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Dark Blessings NPC Journal

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[02 Jun 2011|10:21am]

Patrick Flanagan:

An Irish immigrant, Patrick is currently working on the payroll of Marius de Romanus, managing the vampire's bookstore. He is an avid reader and bibliophile, extremely personable, and enjoys nothing more than matching the correct person to the correct piece of literature. Interestingly enough, Patrick has had no schooling beyond the eighth level, but is extremely intelligent and quick learning.

PB: Alan Tudyk
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[02 Jun 2011|10:20am]

Lusa Van Bern:

Amalia's 19-year-old granddaughter. Lusa has been living with her grandparents since she was thirteen. She has the ability to communicate with spirits, as well as allow them to possess her so that they might communicate with the living. For more information, her full bio can be found here.

PB: Katie McGrath
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[02 Jun 2011|10:19am]

Lucian Ovidiu:

Lusa's maternal grandfather, deceased. His ghost is still very present in his family's lives, however, and he acts as sort of a guardian for his granddaughter. Lusa was named for her grandfather, whom her mother loved very much. He was a kind and generous fellow, but a heart attack killed him at the age of sixty, when Lusa was fifteen. He and Amalia were very much in love and thus Amalia has never remarried.

PB: Boris Karloff
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[02 Jun 2011|10:19am]

Amalia Ovidiu:

Lusa's maternal grandmother. She's basically raised the girl, and taught her to harness her abilities. Amalia, called Lia by close friends (of which she has few), is a stern woman who has little truck with frivolity and idiocy, raised and still living in Romani ways. However, she loves her granddaughter dearly and will do anything to protect her - family is everything, and she expects the same of Lusa.

PB: Ingrid Pitt
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