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I'm back home. I'm sad to leave my loves. I'll post next about the last few days at st rose.
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50 Questions about the Memory of Freshman Year… Here is a chance to sum up your freshman year and think back on a few memories you have. Answer the questions honestly! You don’t have to be a freshman to answer the questions, the older you are the better. Tag ALL your Friends and the People who made your freshman year what it was…GOOD or BAD…
1.Where Are You From?
Orange County, NY
2.What School Did You Attend?
St Rose.
3.Where Is That Located?
Albany, NY
4.Was It Very Different From Where You’re From?
Home - Small quaint village. School - Downtown ghetto of a city.
5.Did You Stay On Campus?
6.What Residence Hall Did You Stay In?
7.Who Was Your Roommate?
First semester was Alexandra. But she's a fucking bitch. She moved out and then I had Emilie, my Polar Bear <3
8.Did You Get Along?
Alexandra: Not at all. She was a bitch.
Emilie: very much so <3
9.Who Were Your Closest Friends?
Heather, Kathleen, Liz, Becky, Andrea, Emilie, Jess, Thorfun, Shannon, Maureen, Katie, Andy to name a few.
10.Which Clubs/ Organizations Did You Join?
history club, then I got inducted into Phi Alpha Theta [History Honor Society]
11.Perform In Any Shows?
12.Who Were You Dating?
Mark for first semester. Single second semester.
13.Talk To Any Underclassmen?
I was an Underclassmen.
14.Where Did You Mostly Spend Your Weekends?
Home. hahah.
15.Where Did You Spend Most Of Your Money?
Food, alcohol.
16.Did You Party?
19.Get Tattooed?
20.How Many? Where?
21.Get A Piercing?
22.How Many? Where?
23.Get Lost?
24.Get Stranded?
25.Get In Any Fights?
With Alexandra but she was a bitch.
26.See Any Fights?
Oh yeah.
28.See Any Thing Disgusting?
more than I'd like to admit.
29.Do You Regret Anything You Did?
Yeah. But whatev.
30.Did You Go To Church?
I don't believe in God.
31.How Were Your Grades?
32.Fail Any Classes?
33.Drop Any Classes?
34.Who Was Your Favorite Professor? Least Favorite?
favorites: Fausette, Kannenburg, Holligan, Paredes (he wanted me, haha),Ledbetter,
least: mustapha, depinto, wahlleber,
35.What Was Your Favorite Course? Least Favorite?
favorites: African American TransAtlantic World, US History Since 1865,English 105, Spanish 101, Intro to Philosophy
leasts: Intro to History 100, Sub Saharan African Politics,
36.Fall Asleep In Any Classes?
US because I knew my stuff. Jen would have to kick me awake
37.Get Kicked Out Or In Trouble In Any Classes?
38.Argue With Any Professors?
Wahlleber because I knew I was right (and I was). Paredes because he was being a douche and he apologized.
39.What Time Did You Get Up Most Mornings?
1st Sem. MF- 9:30. TTH- 10:30. Off on Wednesdays.
2nd Sem. MWF- 9:30. TTH- 10:30
40.Ever Wake Up To Eat Breakfast?
I saw breakfast 3 times. Once was at 1PM on a weekend. Once was with Heather who woke me up and dragged me there. And once was on my last day there with Emilie.
41.What Was Your Favorite Cafeteria Food?
Quesedilla's when they had them first semester. Grilled Chicken. Salads. Broccoli. And wraps.
42.What Did You Do For Thanksgiving?
43.What About Winter Break?
Pretty badass. Got wreckless with my family and HS friends.
44.Spring Break?
45.Who Did You Miss The Most?
My friends who went away to school or that I havent seen in a while.
46.Did You Grow Apart From Your Old Friends?
Yeah. I miss them.
47.What Food Did You Miss The Most?
The real kind
48.What Is The First Thing You're Gonna Do When You Get Home?
Shower without flip flops.
49.Learn Anything New About Yourself?
Yeah. I learned different things about myself like who to trust and what a real friend is and who my real friends are.
50.Are You Gonna Miss Your Freshman Year?
I'm going to miss my strose hoes <3