bree & nate's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
bree & nate

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005 [22 Jul 2008|01:07am]
I am feeling so old! I can say things like "The kids are asleep!" now! I don't know, that sounds like a big deal to me, anyway. But honestly--Erin's engaged, Will is getting married on Saturday, I just feel like time has flown by so, so fast. Not that its necessarily a bad thing, it's just that some people aren't around to see-- it's just a strange thing to think about.

Hmm. Archimedes needs to go for a walk but it's really too hot.

I'm rambling! I just walked by the journal and had this sudden urge to write something up, so! There it is. The lovely life of a housewife, indeed. I think I'll go back to work in a few years, now that I mention that, something random that came to me the other day when I was cursing dirty diapers, haha. Unless of course we have more children, but who knows!

I tried to end this journal a few sentences ago, I'm shutting it for sure now. Unless you want to comment and keep me entertained during nap time.

[ viewing | July 22nd, 2008 ]
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