Dariana Davison
6TH YEAR. RAVENCLAW. PUREBLOOD. Appearance Dari is average height with long dark brown hair and green eyes. Her complexion is usually fair, though she's quite tan after summer holidays in most cases, as her family tends to go on some sort of posh summer trip (greece, bahamas, etc) where she gets plenty of sun. Her build is slender but somewhat athletic. She's around 5'3 and 125 lbs. Her style of dress is fashinable, but ranges from casual to formal, depending on the occasion. She has dimples that become most apparent when she smiles. She wears her emotion in her eyes, even when she doesn't mean to, and if you know how to read her, you can usually tell how she's feeling by looking there. She kinks her eyebrow when she's trying to be cute and she has a killer pout that most who adore her cannot resist.
Personality On the surface, Dari is bright and friendly. She has a lot of "friends" and appears to be very popular, though in reality she is close to very few people. Dari is definitely a people person - at least most of the time. She likes being around other people, she likes to socialize and party a little, she likes flirting and snogging with boys. She knows that she has a bit of a reputation for being "easy" but she does a good job of pretending she doesn't care what anyone thinks.
In reality, though, Dari is pretty insecure. Her family views her as worthless, because she doesn't share their ideals, and they aren't afraid to tell her as much. Usually on a daily basis. As a result, Dari doesn't think much of her abilities and she is constantly trying to overcome her families disappointment in her. She pushes herself to achieve perfect grades, even knowing it's not reasonable or really even possible, hoping that if she does well in school, her family would at least be proud of that.
Dari's insecurity is probably one of her biggest weaknesses, because she is easily manipulated by flattery. Stroke her ego and flash her a few charming smiles, and she'll pretty much believe anything you tell her - within reason.
Dari also tends to push people away if they start to get too close. When her emotions scare her, she runs from them. She just doesn't know how to let herself really love or need someone and if she starts to.. she'll do some very stupid things to either test them or get rid of them, because if she's going to lose someone, she'd rather it be on her own terms.
History Dari was born on January 24, 1988 to Alexander and Katherynn Davison. Her mother is a healer for St. Mungos and her Father works for the Ministry of Magic in the Department for Magical Law Enforcement. Dari is the first of two children and her younger sister Jayden is also a student at Hogwarts. Jayden is a few years younger than Dari and the past few years at Hogwarts have been made more difficult by Jayden's presence since she and Dari do not get along at all. Jayden is the perfect and proper daughter their parents have always wished Dari was. She's all the things Dari isn't: bitchy, elitist, good at pretty much everything.
The rest of the Davison clan are the stereotypical rich, snobbish purebloods. They constantly lecture her about the proper way to behave and the proper people to associate with. Though she tries to compensate for her "poor judgement" in friends by getting top marks at school, she's essentially a constant disappointment to them. She doesn't hide who she is, but she also doesn't go out of her way to confide the details of her life to them and as such, her letters to home are infrequent, though she received her fair share (and they are never met with joy). The fact that Jay is the "perfect" one in their eyes is a source of much angst for her, though most people wouldn't know it. She doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve and people who don't know her well might question whether she has one.
In her life at school, Dari is friendly to everyone. She couldn't care less about bloodlines - all she cares about is the kind of person you are. She's comes off as very fun-loving and carefree. She is studious and bookwormy, but she also likes to have a good time. Her home life as created a lot of internal issues for her, though, and she doesn't make close friends easily. Most of her friendships are casual and superficial and while she has snogged her fair share of people, she's never had a boyfriend or even really dated anyone. She says it's because there's no point in tying yourself to one boy when you can play with them all, but really she's just afraid of letting herself get close to anyone. The exception to this is her best friend Jeremy. Dari and Jeremy have been virtually inseparable since birth. When she got dragon pox, he snuck into her room to be with her, despite their parents' best efforts to keep them apart. Jeremy is probably about the only one in the world that Dari really and truly counts on. He knows her better than anyone else in this world and she tends to run to him when she's upset unless she's opted for rushing off alone to sulk about it. If Dari ever loses him, she will be completely lost.
Dari's first sign of magic came at the age of 5 when she managed to summon one of her favorite books from a shelf in her nursery. She was supposed to be napping, but she really wanted to read instead, so when her mother refused to get her the book, she made it come to her. Her favorite toy when she was younger was the wizarding equivalent of a chemistry set which included some basic potions ingredients and helped to fuel her natural love and aptitude for potions.
Hogwarts Stats House: Ravenclaw Year: 6th Best subjects: Divination and Potions Worst subjects: Transfiguration and Charms Classes: Astronomy, Charms, DADA, History of Magic, Potions, Divination, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy
Connections Jeremy Pitt - Best Friend - Jeremy has been Dari's best friend since the time both of them were babies. Their parents grew up together, ending up in homes right next door, close enough that the two shared a large pond in the space just behind the Pitt and Davison homes. There is not a single major event in either of their lives that hasn't been shared by the other. Ashleigh Barton - Close Friend - Dari met Ashleigh during her first year at Hogwarts and the pair of them quickly became friends. They had a shared love of reading and a common sense of wanting to do everything they could to please their overcritical mothers that bonded them together. It certainly didn't help that Ashleigh was brilliant at Charms - one of Dari's worst subjects and before she knew it, Dari was counting Ashleigh amongst her closest friends.
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