Dark Puck [My FF.net Account] [Ongoing Fic Post] [Wingless Archangel Studios] Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Dark Puck" journal:
July 9th, 2009
09:24 pm
[User Picture]


Fanfic: Push
Title: Push
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: PG-13/T
Characters: Hyo [OC], Xin Wan [OC], Long Feng
Summary: Hyo, newly appointed Commander of the Dai Li, faces off against the Chief Mindbender, who delights in pushing any button he can find.
Notes: Xin Wan and Jae are the brainchildren of Bex and are used with permission and input from her.

Push )

Current Location: the upstairs couch
Current Mood: chipper
Current Music: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
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