Dark Puck
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Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Dark Puck" journal:
06:13 pm
![[User Picture]](https://www.scribbld.com/userpic/218030/10545) [Link] |
Separation VII Title: Separation Rating: PG-13 for language Genre: Crossover fusion Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender and His Dark Materials Timeline: Season One, immediately following 1x09, The Waterbending Scroll Summary: Returning to his ship after the fiasco with the pirates, Prince Zuko stumbles across the body of a boy in the river. Quickly it is determined that the boy is alive, but that something is terribly wrong... Warning: Inspired in part by avocado_love's Inner Nature but completely different from her story, I promise you. Original characters, who will be familiar faces for those of you who've kept up with my other works. Some foul language.
I | II | III | IV | V VI
( VII )
Current Location: my bed Current Mood: content Tags: character: aang, character: ichiro, character: katara, character: sokka, character: yui, crossover, fandom: avatar, fandom: his dark materials, story: separation
06:10 pm
![[User Picture]](https://www.scribbld.com/userpic/218031/10545) [Link] |
Separation VI Title: Separation Rating: PG-13 for language Genre: Crossover fusion Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender and His Dark Materials Timeline: Season One, immediately following 1x09, The Waterbending Scroll Summary: Returning to his ship after the fiasco with the pirates, Prince Zuko stumbles across the body of a boy in the river. Quickly it is determined that the boy is alive, but that something is terribly wrong... Warning: Inspired in part by avocado_love's Inner Nature but completely different from her story, I promise you. Original characters, who will be familiar faces for those of you who've kept up with my other works. Some foul language.
I | II | III | IV | V
( VI )
Current Location: my bed Current Mood: confused Tags: character: kouji, character: zuko, crossover, fandom: avatar, fandom: his dark materials, story: separation
06:08 pm
![[User Picture]](https://www.scribbld.com/userpic/226911/10545) [Link] |
Separation V Title: Separation Rating: PG-13 for language Genre: Crossover fusion Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender and His Dark Materials Timeline: Season One, immediately following 1x09, The Waterbending Scroll Summary: Returning to his ship after the fiasco with the pirates, Prince Zuko stumbles across the body of a boy in the river. Quickly it is determined that the boy is alive, but that something is terribly wrong... Warning: Inspired in part by avocado_love's Inner Nature but completely different from her story, I promise you. Original characters, who will be familiar faces for those of you who've kept up with my other works. Some foul language.
I | II | III | IV
( V )
Current Location: my bed Current Mood: contemplative Tags: character: aang, character: ichiro, character: katara, character: sokka, character: yui, crossover, fandom: avatar, fandom: his dark materials, story: separation
06:05 pm
![[User Picture]](https://www.scribbld.com/userpic/233473/10545) [Link] |
Separation IV Title: Separation Rating: PG-13 for language Genre: Crossover fusion Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender and His Dark Materials Timeline: Season One, immediately following 1x09, The Waterbending Scroll Summary: Returning to his ship after the fiasco with the pirates, Prince Zuko stumbles across the body of a boy in the river. Quickly it is determined that the boy is alive, but that something is terribly wrong... Warning: Inspired in part by avocado_love's Inner Nature but completely different from her story, I promise you. Original characters, who will be familiar faces for those of you who've kept up with my other works. Some foul language.
I | II | III
( IV )
Current Location: my bed Current Mood: complacent Tags: character: iroh, character: kouji, character: zuko, crossover, fandom: avatar, fandom: his dark materials, story: separation
06:01 pm
![[User Picture]](https://www.scribbld.com/userpic/82524/10545) [Link] |
Separation III Title: Separation Rating: PG-13 for language Genre: Crossover fusion Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender and His Dark Materials Timeline: Season One, immediately following 1x09, The Waterbending Scroll Summary: Returning to his ship after the fiasco with the pirates, Prince Zuko stumbles across the body of a boy in the river. Quickly it is determined that the boy is alive, but that something is terribly wrong... Warning: Inspired in part by avocado_love's Inner Nature but completely different from her story, I promise you. Original characters, who will be familiar faces for those of you who've kept up with my other works. Some foul language.
I | II
( III )
Current Location: my bed Current Mood: cold Tags: character: aang, character: katara, character: sokka, crossover, fandom: avatar, fandom: his dark materials, story: separation
05:54 pm
![[User Picture]](https://www.scribbld.com/userpic/80428/10545) [Link] |
Separation II Title: Separation Rating: PG-13 for language Genre: Crossover fusion Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender and His Dark Materials Timeline: Season One, immediately following 1x09, The Waterbending Scroll Summary: Returning to his ship after the fiasco with the pirates, Prince Zuko stumbles across the body of a boy in the river. Quickly it is determined that the boy is alive, but that something is terribly wrong... Warning: Inspired in part by avocado_love's Inner Nature but completely different from her story, I promise you. Original characters, who will be familiar faces for those of you who've kept up with my other works. Some foul language.
( II )
Current Location: my bed Current Mood: chipper Tags: character: iroh, character: zuko, crossover, fandom: avatar, fandom: his dark materials, story: separation
05:51 pm
![[User Picture]](https://www.scribbld.com/userpic/233473/10545) [Link] |
Fic Reposting! Title: Separation Rating: PG-13 for language Genre: Crossover fusion Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender and His Dark Materials Timeline: Season One, immediately following 1x09, The Waterbending Scroll Summary: Returning to his ship after the fiasco with the pirates, Prince Zuko stumbles across the body of a boy in the river. Quickly it is determined that the boy is alive, but that something is terribly wrong... Warning: Inspired in part by avocado_love's Inner Nature but completely different from her story, I promise you. Original characters, who will be familiar faces for those of you who've kept up with my other works. Some foul language.
( I )
Current Location: my bed Current Mood: cheerful Tags: character: iroh, character: zuko, crossover, fandom: avatar, fandom: his dark materials, story: separation