Dark Puck [My FF.net Account] [Ongoing Fic Post] [Wingless Archangel Studios] Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Dark Puck" journal:
July 1st, 2009
12:21 am
[User Picture]


Fanfic: Darling
Title: Darling
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: PG
Characters: The Dai Li (Bae [OC], Jae [OC], Liu [OC]), Mi-Cha [OC]
Summary: During the Occupation of Ba Sing Se, the Dai Li discover that one of their treasures has been stolen and abused.
Notes: Bae, Jae, and Liu are all the property of Bex and are used with her permission; Mi-Cha and her father are mine.

If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!
- Matthew 7:11

Bae is out shopping for treats. )

Current Location: the upstairs couch
Current Mood: busy
Current Music: Ghostbusters II
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