Dark Puck [My FF.net Account] [Ongoing Fic Post] [Wingless Archangel Studios] Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Dark Puck" journal:
January 5th, 2010
06:53 pm
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Fanfic: 水魎
Title: 水魎 (Shuǐ Liǎng; Water Sprite)
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: PG-13/T for descriptions of nudity.
Summary: Zuko discovers a water spirit bathing in the river.

Uncle's catsquirrel was stealing tea leaves. )

Current Location: my dad's chair
Current Mood: bored
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November 26th, 2009
09:15 pm
[User Picture]


Basttal Fic Index
It was brought to my attention that I should probably index this like I have Lightning at Sea and beckyh2112 has Vampatar and our Dai Li fiction and suzukiblu has the Avateers. So, without further ado, the CatSong fics!

Necessary information: Basttal are shapebenders, women (and men) who turn into catsquirrels. Song is one, and when Iroh and Zuko rob her, she gives chase. This is mildly AU in that Song's presence doesn't alter the overall course of events, but she does change some small things.

NOTE: These are not being posted in chronological order. However, as new fics arrive, they will be added to the index in chronological order. So... yeah. Have fun!

Coffee and White Tea: Iroh adopts a catsquirrel who doesn't like Zuko very much...
Melas Oneiros: Song has a horrific nightmare.
水魎 (Water Sprite): Zuko discovers a water spirit bathing in the river.
間諜 (Jian Die): While in Ba Sing Se, Song investigates the Dai Li and Long Feng.
Taisha Shanshoku: Song torments a Fire Nation sailor.

Good Manners: Prince Zuko and his uncle are invited to dine with the local governor and discover an unusual acquisition of his.  AU.  (YES AN AU OF AN AU SHUT UP)

Also, I need a Songkitty icon. D:

I has a Songkitty icon! :D

Current Location: my bed
Current Mood: artistic
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09:11 pm
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Taisha Shanshoku
Title: Taisha Shanshoku
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: G/K
Summary: Song torments a Fire Nation sailor
Notes: Katsu and Kawa (the sailor in the fic, unnamed in text) both belong to beckyh2112; I'm just borrowing them. I LOVE YOU BEX

Cut for Great Justice )

Current Location: my bed
Current Mood: full

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October 19th, 2009
07:18 pm
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Melas Oneiros
Title: Melas Oneiros
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: PG-13 for disturbing imagery
Summary: Song has a horrific nightmare.

Song slept badly and dreamt worse )

Current Location: my opa's desk
Current Mood: calm
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04:26 pm
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Coffee and White Tea
Zuko stops dead halfway into the small camp his uncle has set up, his good eye wide in disbelief and near-horror.  )</div></div>

Current Location: my opa's desk
Current Mood: annoyed
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