Dark Puck - Fic: War-Children [My FF.net Account] [Ongoing Fic Post] [Wingless Archangel Studios]
June 24th, 2010
10:14 pm
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Fic: War-Children

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Date:July 17th, 2010 04:49 pm (UTC)
You know I love this, babe. So let me count some of the ways.

- the effort you go to with the dates
- Midshipman Boke's letter to his daimyo
- Torao's reaction, his thoughts, his planning of an inspection tour
- Torao's obvious racism not being glossed over in the slightest
- Ichiro's love and protection of his siblings and defiance of his father; though I note the story suffers a bit from Missing Mom Syndrome
- Kouji's fear, all their fear of being discovered
- Ichiro thinking thinky thoughts about how to get them all out of New Sozin
- Torao's trap
- Tea!
- Torao's letter to Ozai and his bribery
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