Dark Puck - Fanfic: Reprimand [My FF.net Account] [Ongoing Fic Post] [Wingless Archangel Studios]
February 22nd, 2010
07:49 pm
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Fanfic: Reprimand
Title: Reprimand
Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Characters: Hyo, Jae (Dai Li OCs)
Rating: PG-13 for very mild language and adult situations
Summary: Hyo calls Jae to task for his treatment of Huan after the Retaking.
Notes: Many thanks to Bex for helping me keep Jae in-character. Also for smacking me with the editor stick when I drifted into the passive voice. Jae belongs to her; Hyo and Huan are mine.

When Jae arrived in Hyo-sir's office under Lake Laogai, the Dai Li commander was looking over some papers. He ignored the young captain's presence for a time, then, when Jae started to fidget, suddenly looked up. He did not look happy.

"Captain," he said. "You are either the cruellest, or the most thoughtless, selfish man I have ever had the misfortune of knowing."

Jae blinked, confused and angry. "What?"

Hyo-sir's fingers drummed against his desk as they only did when he was very unhappy. "Are you aware of your sex toy's current location?"

The older man knew perfectly well what Sang Min was to Jae, and wouldn't insult the other agent by calling him a toy. Who could he possibly-- Huan? His eyes narrowed. "Huan isn't a toy," he snapped.

One of Hyo-sir's eyebrow went up. "Oh?" He drawled the word, and Jae flushed angrily. "That wasn't the impression I got."

"How the hell did you know about that?" Jae demanded.

"You haven't answered my question," the commander pointed out instead.

"How should I know where he is?" Jae responded. "He's always wandering off to dance."

"For a week? Without checking in?" Hyo-sir's question seemed mild, but his expression was anything but.

Jae had nothing to say to that without admitting he was wrong. Sulkiness soon gave way to worry, however -- it had been a week since he'd seen the Fire boy, and the last time had been the morning Sang Min had returned. Huan must have slipped out while he'd been welcoming his lover home.

Hyo-sir let the silence stretch for awhile, then said, "Well? Is he a toy or a person, Jae?"

"A person," Jae snapped.

"Then why did you treat him like a toy?" demanded Hyo-sir.

"I didn't--"

Hyo slapped his hands against the stone desk to cut him off. Jae jumped at the sound and reached for the earth around him. No attack came, and slowly the captain relaxed. He maintained his hold on the earth.

Hyo's voice was low, angrier than Jae had ever heard him. "You found a boy -- a fifteen-year-old boy. You began an affair with him while your lover was away. As soon as your lover came back, you cast the boy aside without second thought." Stormy grey eyes bored into Jae's. "It has been a week since we've returned, and you couldn't find it in yourself to even once wonder where he was?"

Every word the commander spoke was a blow to the gut, made all the worse by memories of Huan cutting through thoughts of Sang Min. The boy had been loving and affectionate, completely blown away by how different Jae was.

(A burn shaped like a hand covered Huan's right hip. Rage filled Jae at the way the boy had been treated, but Huan only kissed him and murmured, "Fire men don't control themselves for whores.")

(Huan was making a credible effort to hide his growing feelings for him. He didn't know that his eyes shone when he looked at Jae, or that his entire face lit up when Jae returned home. Confused by the boy's secrecy, Jae pretended he hadn't noticed.)

(They lay together on Jae's bed, Huan tucked underneath his arm with a tired, satisfied smile on his face. Jae reached over to toy with his lover's dark hair, and smiled when Huan closed his eyes in pleasure. "You tire so quickly," he teased.

One amber eye opened, and the boy shrugged lazily. "You don't keep going when I do," he pointed out. He nipped Jae's shoulder before adding, "So I recover faster." His eyes glittered with too many emotions for Jae to name. "And I'm willing to make a lot more effort for someone who doesn't treat me like a whore."

Jae kissed the boy senseless.

Jae felt sick.

Huan had always been honest with him, and hadn't minded his secrets. He didn't deserve to be tossed aside and forgotten.

Jae had to find him.

Hyo-sir was still watching him, and he nodded slowly. "Now you understand," he said.

Comprehension slapped Jae like a brick. "You know where he is."

"I do," the Commander replied. "Kyung found him and brought him to me."

Anger flashed through Jae. How dare he! "Was there a point to this, Commander?" he demanded.

"Yes, Captain, there was," Hyo-sir said evenly. "You took up with Huan. You moved him in with you. You had a responsibility to the boy that you completely ignored as soon as Sang Min returned. You have a bad habit of treating people like objects, and that needs to stop."

Jae had a very strong urge to beat the Commander sensless. Memory stopped him, memory of what had happened the last time Hyo-sir had been pushed.

("If you like, you could... forget everything you've seen here."

Hyo-sir moved like lightning, slamming Xin Wan into the wall. The mindbender's feet dangled off the floor; Hyo's right hand pinned him up by his neck.

And Hyo-sir had still been recovering from his part in the Siege.

Jae remained silent.

After a few moments, the Commander said, "Huan is staying in my home for the moment. You're dismissed, Captain."

An abbreviated bow, and Jae stormed out.

Current Location: my bed
Current Mood: annoyed
Current Music: Nara - E. S. Posthumous
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Date:February 23rd, 2010 03:23 am (UTC)
*cuddles Haun. Cuddles and cuddles him.* Bad Jae. No cookie for you.

I liked the flash backs and whimpered over the idea of Huan getting burnt.
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Date:February 25th, 2010 07:52 pm (UTC)
The flashbacks were Bex's idea and they really worked out well, I felt. <3 I may continue doing that style; they work so much better than my previous style of doing flashbacks. ...of course, I was thirteen when I picked up the initial style.

As for the burns... well, firebenders like to blaze their passion and if they're not careful, can permanently mark their partner. They weren't careful with Huan. Poor kid.
Date:February 24th, 2010 07:43 am (UTC)

Oh ho, Neld is making an anon comment!

*joins Spyri in heaping cuddles on Huan* Lord knows that boy could use them.

Oh, Jae. You can be an insensitive bastard, can't you. Or maybe dense is more like it. *fwaps him* Dodo. Don't make Hyo-sir clean up your dirty work anymore.

I like to think that Hyo is giving Huan lots of nice fatherly hugs and feeding him a lot while Huan is staying with him.
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Date:February 25th, 2010 07:53 pm (UTC)

Re: Oh ho, Neld is making an anon comment!

Huan appreciates your cuddles. <3

Dense is probably the correct term for this particular incident. Hence the dressing-down Hyo just gave him.

Hyo was meant to father a horde of children. He's definitely doing the father thing for the kid. Hell, he's old enough to be Huan's father anyway.
Date:February 25th, 2010 11:13 am (UTC)

Have you written more in this universe that I could read?
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Date:February 25th, 2010 07:57 pm (UTC)
This is actually part of a larger 'verse that Bex and I share. For Huan and Jae specifically, Bex has written the morning after their first night together, and that's hanging out over here.

For more in the general "canon" 'verse (which is basically our stories that fit into Avatar canon more or less seamlessly, please refer to the Canon Fic Index.

Also, out of curiosity, who are you?
Date:February 26th, 2010 12:29 pm (UTC)
I am taragreen89 on livejournal
...And I don't have a scribbld username so I just post anon :#). Anyway I really enjoy this snippet.
Date:March 3rd, 2010 11:24 pm (UTC)
Oh my. Jae needed that metaphorical beating pretty badly, especially if he's ever going to grow up into an acceptable human being. Long Feng allows him too much misbehavior, really.

I really love how you upped your game in this story. There's some good, hard-hitting bits in here. ^_^
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Date:March 3rd, 2010 11:52 pm (UTC)
Long Feng allows him too much misbehavior, really.

Hyo is going to work on correcting this, I think. Jae is what, twenty-five? That's nearly ten years he's been a legal adult. It is high time he started acting like one.

Thank you for that! <3 I worked pretty hard on this, and it was fun.
Date:March 5th, 2010 08:19 pm (UTC)
Part of the problem is that Long Feng doesn't care what Jae does with the rest of his time as long as he's good at his job and doesn't disgrace the uniform. Jae's own father threw him out years ago, so there's a lot of rebelling against that, as well as some unhealthy influences from the sort of life where throwing out your son for being gay is a reasonable approach.

So, yeah, it's about bloody time for Jae to start being held to standards of reasonable adult behavior. There's just been no one who has bothered to do so before or any role-models.
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