Dark Puck - 50 Sentences with Krisuk [My FF.net Account] [Ongoing Fic Post] [Wingless Archangel Studios]
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50 Sentences with Krisuk
Title: Ice Lord
Author: Dark Puck
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Character: Krisuk (OC)
Rating: PG-13
Prompt Table: 1 Sentence, theme set Epsilon
Summary: The story of a young man of the Northern Water Tribe.
Notes: I did this to help get Krisuk's 'canon' background in order. This is his history within non-AU universes, and the early years often go unchanged even within AUs. Rated for child abuse.

#42 – Bother
Pakku eyes the brat with no uncertain annoyance and orders him to go away; the boy holds himself tall despite his five winters and proclaims yet again, "I want you to teach me waterbending."

#07 – One
"I'll only be a month, Krisuk," Satok promises his eight-year-old son before leaving on the whaling expedition; it takes six before the boy accepts that his father isn't coming home.

#08 – Thousand
He's sculpted just over a hundred cranes out of ice when his uncle destroys them all.

#10 – Learn
"It's Krisuk, dammit!" he snaps at the older boy, who has gotten his name wrong for what seems to be the thousandth time.

#03 – Young
Hahn is only eleven and Krisuk recently ten, but together the two of them challenge the first test of manhood early and emerge battered but triumphant.

#09 – King
"I'll be chief one day," says Hahn as he and Krisuk mend nets; Krisuk just rolls his eyes and lets the young warrior have his dreams.

#14 – Command
"You're going to be my first mate, you know," Hahn informs him, and Krisuk has to stop and process this for a moment before he realises that his friend means it literally.

#47 – Harm
The sheer pain blinds him for a moment, and Krisuk realises that maybe throwing himself into a tree to explain his cracked ribs to the healers probably isn't the brightest thing he's ever done.

#16 - Need
Yugoda frowns after the boy slipping away from her healing hut; Master Pakku's young prodigy seems to be seeing her more than the other young ones, and always for some sort of cracked bone.

#27 – Hide
He is twelve, nearly a man, so why does he take cover underneath the bed when his uncle returns from a night of drinking?

#29 – Safe
Hahn is popular and well-liked; Krisuk can escape to his home when it gets to be too much and know that his friend will suffer no consequences.

#45 – Naked
Hahn erupts from the water with a yell that certainly isn't akin to that of a little girl; "You bastard!" he yells at Krisuk, "You said it was warm!"

#46 – Drive
Krisuk is almost always waterbending now; once he earns his mastery he'll be a man in the eyes of the tribe, and he'll able to get a home of his own, or maybe move in with Hahn, and he won't have to explain away his injuries anymore.

#06 – Gentle
He flinches when Pakku catches his wrist, but the old man's hands are soft as he pulls up Krisuk's shirt to see the ugly bruises marring his ribs; Pakku's tone is oddly gentle as he asks, "Did he do this to you, boy?"

#44 – Wall
The blow catches Krisuk by surprise, throwing him back into the solid ice of the home he shares with his uncle; when he looks up, another catches him across side of the head, temporarily depriving him of his hearing; he doesn't mind because now he can't hear his uncle screaming about Master Pakku.

#36 – Stop
He feels the blows crashing on his back, but suddenly he recalls the look on Master Pakku's face — what has been done to you? this isn't normal — and lashes out at the man who has made his life hell these past six years.

#04 – Last
"You'll never hurt me again."

#15 – Hold
He can feel the pulse of the water, and he exerts control over it, stopping it, and keeps it stopped until his uncle crumbles at his feet.

#39 – Torn
Pakku can hear his student vomiting outside as he closes the eyes of the body; he isn't sure if he's proud of Krisuk for putting an end to his abuse or ashamed that he didn't realise the boy was being abused sooner.

#13 - Change
Before the death of his uncle, he is arrogant and a show-off; once the man is dead, he quiets and refuses to spar with his peers.

#22 – Mad
"Why didn't you tell me?" Hahn yells at him, face flushed; Krisuk can only stare as he goes on, "We could have stopped it together and it wouldn't have come to this!"

#26 – Goodbye
"You don't have to do this," says Pakku, but Krisuk shakes his head; "The law may consider it self-defence, but there is no excuse for what I did to him. I can no longer stay here."

#33 – Never
"Yeah? Well, when I'm chief, I'll go out and find you and then you'll have to come back."

#25 - Shadow
He didn't see Hahn the day he left, but that was all right; as the Earth ship left the harbour he could see his friend's silhouette in the distance.

#41 – Power
Krisuk laughs and raises his arms over his head as the sea rages around him; the sailors look at him fearfully, ground-pounding Earthfolk that they are, but he hasn't felt this alive since his father left on his last hunt.

#38 – Wash
He stands under the buffeting waterfall with a smile on his face; he will always consider his homeland superior, but he will admit that this is an aspect of the Earth Kingdom he likes.

#49 – Hunger
He's got nothing but his swords and the clothes on his back, but even when he hasn't eaten in a week, he will never lower himself to stealing.

#31 – Book
Krisuk looks up at the Fire Nation soldiers who have just demanded he surrender and says, "Come back later. I'm reading."

#05 – Wrong
"He's helpless without his swords," mocks one of the soldiers; Krisuk just laughs and, with a gesture, yanks the water from the squad's canteens and sets in to do battle.

#02 – Cool
The Water Tribesman, much to the disconcertion of the soldier attempting to interrogate him, has a way of sitting in a chair that seems to proclaim that the entire office belongs to him and he is only tolerating the presence of the Fire Nation within it.

#20 – Picture
Somebody has been vandalising the posters of the wanted Water Tribesman, adding silly glasses and an elaborate moustache; it isn't until he is caught in the act that the Fire Nation realises that it's Krisuk himself.

#32 – Eye
Gold meets sapphire, and the two young men grin; they have a common enemy and thus will unite despite the enmity of their homelands.

#21 – Fool
The Fire boy, as it turns out, is named Huān; when Krisuk asks him what he did to get the soldiers angry at him, the younger boy grins broadly and says, "I committed the gravest sin of all: I danced."

#18 – Attention
There is a saying in the Fire Nation: 'The largest flame is the first to be snuffed'; Krisuk realises quickly that his new friend is not only the largest flame, he's coloured bright purple while jumping up and down and screaming, "Look at me! Look at me!"

#01 – Motion

Huān understands body language to a degree Krisuk never thought possible; he can tell where a person comes from and if they can bend just by watching how they walk.

#28 – Fortune
"You," Krisuk says to the baker, "are going to be rich because of these."; Huān is vastly unsurprised when the Water Tribesman buys everything she has in her basket.

#34 – Sing
Krisuk wouldn't know a tune if you hit him over the head with one in a bucket, but that doesn't mean he can't appreciate the music of the other nations; privately he will admit that perhaps the arts are something the Fire Nation really does have a good grasp on.

#50 – Believe
Krisuk doesn't think about the North Pole often; he misses Hahn and Master Pakku, but at the moment, he's got a friend to keep him company and nobody but himself to rely on; this, he thinks, is almost paradise.

#30 – Ghost
"Kreeshaw" whispers the wind; he looks up and yells, "Gods all damn it, it's Krisuk!"

#11 – Blur
He's having trouble reading the letter; something seems to have gotten into his eye to make everything fuzzy because Hahn can't be dead.

#17 – Vision
"You really need to move on," his friend tells him; "Just because you weren't there doesn't mean I would have lived."

#12 – Wait
"Hahn, don't leave me!" Krisuk yells to the night sky, "I can't be alone anymore!"

#35 – Sudden
He feels a blow across his face and staggers, even though there is nothing that could have struck him; "You idiot," Hahn snarls at him, "you're never alone!"

#43 – God
The old man isn't breathing; Krisuk reacts without thinking and reaches out and into the man's body; there are the veins and there is the heart, no longer beating; he takes a deep breath and starts to force the blood to move.

#48 – Precious
Maybe this bending isn't a curse, Krisuk thinks, looking at his hands as the old man is looked over by the ship's doctor; Maybe it was used for this kind of thing originally, and what I did in the North Pole is a perversion of that. Maybe it's a gift.

#40 – History
The legacy of bloodbending will not be only destructive, but will point out the good that can be done with it.

#24 – Now
"It's time to go home."

#23 – Child
"Master!" comes a familiar shout; Pakku turns and is not at all surprised to be embraced by one of his old pupils; when Krisuk pulls back, he is pleased to see that the boy is no longer wearing his childhood mask.

#37 – Time
Krisuk has changed, reflects Pakku; his years in exile have matured him from a feckless boy with a too-strong love of the law to a young man with a burning sense of justice.


Current Location: Best Western LA
Current Mood: sad
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Date:July 28th, 2010 02:24 pm (UTC)
*flails* Awesome fic is awesome
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