Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: De
Email: On File
AIM (if you have one): On File
Character Name: Sigurdur Hogunsson
Character LJ (if applicable): dark_of_winter
Physical description (face, build, weight): Sigurdur is 6’10”, with long, dark brown hair and tanned skin. He often sports a few days stubble, rather than a full beard
Age: 25
Birthday: Winter
PB: (If using one.) Dustin Clare
Abilities: (Standard Asgardian ability set):
Super Strength: He can press/lift up to around 35 tons.
Superhuman Stamina: Like all Asgardians, Sigurdur’s muscles produce considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than those of humans allowing him to operate at peak levels for longer periods of time.
Superhuman Durability: The tissues of Sigurdur’s body are also considerably harder and more resistant to injury than those of a human.
Superhuman Longevity: Sigurdur, like all other Asgardians, isn't immortal in the same sense some other god pantheons. Sigurdur ages at a pace far slower than a human being. The consumption of the Golden Apples of the goddess Idun is essential to an Asgardian maintaining their physical vigor, though Sigurdur has not yet had to ingest any of the apples so far due to his young age.
Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his high resistance to injury, it is possible to injure Sigurdur. If injured, his body is capable of repairing damaged tissue with much greater speed and efficiency than the body of a human being. Serious injuries such as missing limbs can only be healed by magical means.
Superhumanly Dense Tissue: As with all Asgardians, Sigurdur’s skin, muscle, and bone tissues have 3 times the density of the same tissue in the body of a human being, contributing somewhat to his superhuman strength and weight.
Exceptionaly Strong Will: Like all Asgardians, Sigurdur possesses a very strong will making him resistant to powers and abilities that rely on willpower.
Sigurdur does not possess any magical abilities.
Aesir: Sigurdur can speak English, German and a number of the languages of northern Europe, but is primarily fluent in the language of the Norse gods. When he speaks, all listeners understand what he's saying in an archaic version of their own native language, hence the Norse gods speaking Middle English.
Axe/Mace Mastery: Sigurdur is well adept at fighting with axes and maces, and uses a warhammer as his personal weapon.
Expert Rider: Sigurdur is trained in the art of horse-riding and mounted combat.
Weaknesses and flaws: Sigurdur has the standard Asgardian weaknesses. Sigurdur also feels he has something to prove, as his older brother turned to evil, so he is often the first to volunteer for a dangerous mission or a task set to him, especially if commanded by a member of the house of Thor.
Character location/Home: Asgard/Earth
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Relatives (living/dead?): Hogun the Grim (Father, Living), Idun (Mother, living), Hrothgar Hogunson (Brother, Living)
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Sigurdur will come to Earth to guard Svalin, during her pregnancy, and possibly explore a bit.
What are you planning to do with this character?: Sigurdur will have adventures on Earth, here and there, but will interact with the Asgardians Quartet, and possibly the Warriors Four, on a regular basis. I would also like to see him run into his brother, Hrothgar at some point, for a bit of sibling angst.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Again, I’d like to see him combat his brother, learn more of Midgard and its people, and get involved with other characters.