in and among everything that's been going on.......the bf and i had a SERIOUS fight last night.
Over a TV show.
And i dunno if i can keep posting to this journal.
The whole thing started when a character on CSI:NY named Monroe was fawning and clinging all over Danny. She's a knowitall conniving cxnt and i've hated the character since she started 2 years ago.
She and Danny had a major fight about 4 weeks ago and she even admitted she wasn't like his other clingy whiny self absorbed girlfriends wah wah oh and btw i loved you so now it's going to destroy me to forget you.
Danny's italian. he's passionate. AND HE IS A FUCKING WOMAN. Not literally but last night he literally HANDED this conniving whore his balls! BEGGING HER TO COME BACK TO HIM.
I SWORE that if they got together then I'd stop watching the show. Period. NO leeway.
Guess who doesn't have to sit with her ass glued to the tube now on Wednesday nights?
So my boyfriend is calling it petty and the show is still going to be good and i reamed him telling him "you KNEW this was going to happen" Which he has connections so...yeah. He knew. And he REFUSED to let me in on it.
Now I know why.
So I told him to go bugger off and to leave ma lone and if he was SO in love with the character of Monroe then maybe he should go stalk her.
He got pissed and said "maybe i will! she HAS to be nicer than you" and......i stormed out of his house and came home and just fucking cried.
This isn't the best of things after everything else.
i just don't fucking care any more about anything.
So this might be one of the last entries on this journal. I don't want anything to do with this show or that character or.....him.
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