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Gio's Sin

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Why..... [26 Apr 2008|02:56am] life is so damn difficult???

I find someone I'm crazy about and who likes me.....and we're really great together....but his friends are complete assholes and they're teasing him constantly about me being jailbait when i'm a few months....but because he's 35....they won't leave him alone.

He's gone this weekend.

Left early this morning on a red-eye to NY. Has some work to do back there with the company he works for and he's going to catch a ball game. Mets.
His favorite team. -smirk-

I never really cared for baseball till I met him. He was gonna be a pro...but got hurt and....well....he's doing what he's doing now.

It's all right. I don't mind. I can sit through a game with one of those stupid foam fingers and drice him nuts with it...and i love wearing baseball they from a team or not xD so it's all good.

But....he's getting ready to settle down he says.

And I"m terrified.

What if it's not with me? What if I was the 'flavor of the week'? What if....

Well the "what if's" are starting to bum me out. If I lost him I don't know what I'd do. He's my whole world and I can't see anything else but me and him for the rest of my life. Yeah...I know. Sucks completely. And yeah I'm that much of a's he!!

I dunno....I just miss him so much right now.....
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[ viewing | April 26th, 2008 ]
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