fanfic:: Welcome To New York
((Okay we go. The first chapter in what might be a movie idea for CSI:NY. I'm working on a script idea to send in to the producers, but for right now I need some feedback and everyone's welcome to go with it. Yes I know some of the characters will have to change for the script, I'm AWARE of that, folks...but as for just the feel of kind. This is only the first seems AOL has decided that posting isn't something I'm very good at so they're not letting me post to any journal more than twice a day -stare- How NICE of them, eh?))
Humming softly as he shifted the keys from one hand to the other and switched with the Chinese food he had brought with him back to his apartment. A look up and down the hallway just out of habit before the door was opened and he walked in, locking it behind him before even setting down the food.
Once assured the apartment was locked for the night, he turned and headed for the living room, stepping down into the pit and setting the three bags on the coffee table, only then straightening up to take off his coat and drop it on the end of the couch before he sat down on the same sofa and began taking out the little take-out boxes of food. An occasional sniff as one of the smallish little boxes passed his nose and finally choosing the chow mien he grabbed a set of chopsticks they’d shoved into the bag and he took the TV remote, settled back on the couch and turned on the news.
It had only been about 10 minutes when suddenly a pair of arms slid around his neck from behind and a soft female voice purred just behind his ear, “All this food and you don’t even let me know you’re home?”
“You know…” he said with a small grin as he took another bite. “It’s been far too long since I’ve had a gorgeous young lady wrap her arms around me and just welcome me home. Now I have to buy dinner for her before I get anything like that?”
The girl snorted softly and slid over the back of the couch like a snake only to sit beside him and tried to peek into the box he was eating from. Sixteen year old Allysin Taylor looked from the chow mien to her father and frowned. “I always give you a hug and kiss when you come home and why are you eating ALL of the chow mien??”
Mac had to laugh seeing her pout and a shake of his head. “You snooze you lose, little girl.” A wink after another bite. “And there’s more there if you want it. I know you, you endless expanse of hunger.”
Sin – as he, and everyone at the lab, called her – brightened up and turned her gaze to the different boxes on the table in front of them and began rooting through, snatching up the orange chicken and a pair of chopsticks and settling back, curled up against him. “So how was work?” she asked as she began on the food.
Mac shrugged slightly at her question and poked at the noodles in his box. “Was work. How else can it go? We got what we needed and wrapped it all up nicely.” A shifty look at her chicken and he quickly reached in while she was taking a bite and snagged a piece for himself, a chuckle when she squealed “HEY!” and popped it into his mouth. After chewing a bit, he snorted at her and went back to his own. “When you pay for it you can complain.”
Sin gave the best evil eye she could which of course wouldn’t mean much or last long for that matter as she went back to her own food. “Well that’s good then that you got them, huh?” A look up as she ate another piece of chicken and a smile. She was extremely proud of her father…yeah so there was a massive case of hero worship there.
‘Work’ was the NYPD crime lab for Mac. He was the lead investigator, a detective first grade, and ran the CSI department. He’d been doing it for nearly 20 years now and Sin wouldn’t be prouder of him.
A look shot at the TV and a snort. "CNN.....really papi..." and a sideways look as he went back to eyeing her chicken again.”Don't you get enough of that cra--"
"Allysin, language." He said as his gaze moved from her food to her face.
An eye roll. "Sorry....don't you get enough of that mess at work?"
He had to smirk and moved, setting the chow mien down and picking up another little box with some Mongolian beef and moving to sit back once more. "Yes I do, darling...but I also have to see what's going on around New York," And a smirk sideways at her. "That's how you learn everything."
She stopped chewing and looked at him, the edge of her bangs falling against her lashes. "Oh that's're omnipotent."
Mac nodded. "That's right. And don't forget it."
Sin just shook her head but then her attention was caught by the bulletin that flashed on the screen. "Loser..." she mumbled.
Mac threw a look at her quickly but turned up the reporter and his story about the serial killer in Chicago and how he's been at it for weeks now and the CPD were no closer than when he started. Mac frowned at the idea of this guy raping and mutilating teenage girls. So okay...Mac had a bit more than just an employment interest now. "Hush" he said softly and turned his full attention back to the TV.
Yeah granted he was in Chicago, but so had Mac been at one time and it hadn’t been all that difficult to get to New York. So as the CNN report went on about how they had found another 15 year old brutally raped and tortured, now bringing his total up to 13, the Chicago PD were nowhere near catching this lunatic.
"Daaaaaaddy..." she whined as she finished off the chicken and snatched up the leftover chow mien he'd set down.”I wanna watch a movie."
Mac sighed softly and looked at her. "All right. What?"
Happy little I still got it grin and she picked up the remote and hit the DVD button and "Forrest Gump" started. Mac had to laugh gently, shaking his head and a quiet, "All right all right, brat. We'll watch the movie."
Three hours later, he yawned and stretched best he could with a blonde head asleep on his lap. Having commandeered the remote once more since the credits to the movie weren't particularly thrilling but a smirk down at said sleeping blonde. Well at least she’d made it past the wedding scene near the end, he turned off the DVD player which clicked it back onto the news. And more about the killer.
Mac growled. “If he was here he wouldn’t be roaming free…” he said softly to himself. A shift and a mumble from the blonde and he sighed and turned off the TV and gently woke Allysin up. Helping her to get to bed – she was a horrible baby when you had to wake her – then going around and shutting off lights and double checking the door to make sure it was locked, he finally made his own way to bed and after getting ready and changing into a t-shirt and pajama bottoms – miraculously he DID have matching tops to all of the bottoms 7 years ago – he climbed into bed and stared at the ceiling for the longest time. Something didn’t seem right. Why couldn’t CPD nail this guy? No one could ever be THAT elusive…..and after another hour, and listening to Sin's steady breathing in her room nearby, he finally turned onto his side and fell asleep.,
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