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Gio's Sin ([info]dannys_csi_sin) wrote,
@ 2008-04-10 07:34:00

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It's finally come all the way around to OUR way of seeing things, folks!! LINDSAY is going the way of the dodo bird!!

I was becoming increasingly upset at the fact that this little tramp from youknowwhere waltzes in and within 2 seasons is throwing her angst-covered, whiny ass, can do NO wrong,  bitch self into the lab and solving EVERY crime and THEN she's doing it on Danny. Yeah...so I feel for the guy. AHEM.

He's JUST not ready for a permanent relationship yet. But still this annoying FANGIRL character is giving him shit because he forgets her birthday (REALLY now how many guys remember their girl's birthdays??) and now she's all "wah wah you didn't want to go out to lunch with me because you were sleeping with the bimbo across the hall because you both lost that kid"
Well in all fairness ho-bag doesn't know about the other woman yet.

But then why should she?

LM was NEVER there for the poor guy!! When his brother was beaten into a coma and then when 10 year old  Ruben, the little boy across the hall (the aforementioned 'other woman's son) is killed in a bodega shootout when Danny sends the kid home and loses track of him...the guy is going to feel GUILTY. 

She was just going along in the lab acting like she had nothing better to do than show everyone up with her crap.

When SHE was all angtsy and crying and pissing and moaning and LEFT to go back home for some trial DIDN'T EVEN TELL HIM....and then HE FLEW OUT THERE TO SUPPORT HER (and this was all after working TWO double shifts, mind you) ......and now she's giving D this hard time about "I see you've chosen to keep all your grief inside AND I LOVE YOU"


If I was Danny I would have pulled my gun and shot her right between the eyes before she was able to turn around.


Anna Belknap may be a fine actress, but the character has NO place around here. Now D's gonna be so fucking distracted that he's liable to get hurt and WAITAMINUTE!!! Will SHE be there???


She'll be off angtsing somewhere about how HE didn't tell her HE was dying in a HAIL of GUNFIRE and HE doesn't LOVE her back.

Get a fucking life, Lindsay.

As far as my ideas go....I'm going to go jot down a little fanfic where she gets her comeuppance. I promise it'll be tight and fun.
At least for those of us who "understand".

Interested? PM or email me and put LMD in the subject line

Love to all.
Time to celebrate

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