Well I couldn't agree more... and I do really mean it when I say I appreciate your honesty. I feel like you're showing me more courtesy than most people on the internet. Heh. :)
I feel like "pretty" is such a blanket statement, that I'd rather be shuffled into that funny sort of 'unique' where people either love you or hate you looks-wise... but you're right when you say it's hard to explain. I get what you mean though.
I guess what it boils down to is that i'd rather not try to compromise who I am for the sake of more people finding me conventionally attractive. :\
You know, this is going to sound completely out there but I think you're pretty fucking rad. You're blunt and honest and that's something you don't see everyday around here. I'd ask to add you, but i'm pretty sure you don't update... and either way I'm under the impression you're just here to state your points and be on your way, which is a shame because some part of me would really like to talk to you more often. xD
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