eh, wot?'s Journal -- Day
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eh, wot?

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[22 Aug 2008|07:40pm]
I haven't slept in over 48 hours. Last night, I flew all over the world- to end up with Kate having wonderful adventures. Beth was there. SHE WAS THERE. Oh gosh, it was wonderful. I feel recharged. My stomach aches. I think I might be sick, but some part of me doesn't really mind.

I can twist myself into the most awkward poses, and i'm sure I made the most awkward faces when I tried to stand back up. Hahaha. I wobbled out. I was so happy. I could've stayed like that for days.

It's not weed, it's not Jagermeister. It's not adderall or vicodin. It's not my stale, squashed cigarettes- salvia or synthetic opiates. I wish it was moon-clock time.

Is this love?

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