eh, wot?'s Journal -- Day
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eh, wot?

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[13 Jun 2008|07:47pm]
Ugh ugh ugh. I was supposed to have a photoshoot yesterday, but my photographer flaked. What a bummer. Our stylist is pissed- ha. Hopefully we can set up something soon.

Rave tonight, perhaps. I'm not sure if I even want to go. I'm feeling ugly and sluggish and blah. I'm content, not batshit happy- maybe that's where I need to be right now.

My mom thinks i'm psychotic. My girlfriend probably does, too. It sounds so cliche- oh god another twenty-something thinking they have MPD or something. I think it's just the MS- I really do. Mom, stop telling my doctors I'm psychotic and having amnesiatic episodes. Meds suck. Just- stop. I'm doing fine.

Bwahhhhhhh. SG profile's almost done, Bella's e-mailed me back. Decisions decisions. :\

Love you guys, hopefully a better update next time.

♥ - Dandi
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