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Oh goodness! [25 Mar 2008|06:32pm]
So I was in Spencer Tunick's most recent installation in NYC... it was fucking amazing let me tell you.

If you don't know who Spencer Tunick is, wiki him or go to his website before reading on.

... ok. Continue.

He shot his most recent piece in the Four Seasons. It was stellar. He takes his photos on a GIANT old polaroid camera, like, this thing makes prints the size of posters. Each shot costs him $400 since they don't make film for it anymore.

So, I walk upstairs to a room of hundreds of still-clothed people. Spencer's giving a speech to GOOD MORNING AMERICA (LOL!). Funny thing too, if you watched that show Easter morning you get to see my blurry little nekkid self doing an interview. My family saw it. I was pretty mortified. xD

After his speech, he leaves to go set up his camera, and someone sounds the figurative "Time to get naked" alarm and we all strip down and scoot down this narrow hallway into a room with giant trees and lights and a huge fountain-like jacuzzi thing... namely this room:

So Spencer wanders around the room placing people where he wants them saying "Hello friend. How are you? How do I know you? What brings you here? What's your name?" and he sees me out of the corner of his eye and exclaims "Dandi! So glad you made it!"

Since I was naked I think my whole body blushed.

He pulled me to the front of the shot and propped me in stark contrast against the large black pots and at one point in the shoot I was up in the tree with another lovely girl and we held hands. It was really strange being such a fixture in the shoot. He's usually known for the sort of "anonymous bodies" schtick but no... while everyone is finding themselves in the masses *pop* there I am, out in the open with nowhere to hide. I was a bit embarassed at first but now i'm quite thrilled. I just hope nobody recognizes me!

I get the prints when i'm meeting him in NYC at the end of April. I'm so excited. I can't wait to get them... the originals are being auctioned off for charity and are set to make quite a bit of money for the organizations. One has already been purchased and is going to be in a famous gallery in Spain. Oh wowzers. *^_^*

I'll be posting the pictures as soon as I get them! His next installation is in Vienna and i'm tempted to go. I wonder if I can get the time off from work? :D
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