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eh, wot? ([info]dandi) wrote,
@ 2008-07-16 17:46:00

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So, i'm mostly on LJ for the time being. Just a reminder- add me. My username's [info]miss_watson.

Also, join [info]123insert on LJ- even if you just lurk. It used to be one of the best places to troll. We have a lot of fun. ♥


-Me, hopefully updating this ish soon. :P

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2008-07-17 02:33 am UTC (link)
Adding you. :]

And I'm not sure if I'll join the community. People seem to be way mean in lj communities and I'm lucky I got into the ones in scribbld, lol. Idk if your community is like that though?

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2008-07-17 02:49 am UTC (link)
My community is a little snarky to be honest, but we're not like tinyrockets. It's really fun to lurk, though- and we've gotten a lot of lurkers in the past that have become community favorites and gotten in when they applied! :)

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