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User:daftne (8379)
flowers are the things we know
secrets are the things we grow
Name:Daphne "Queenie" Greengrass.

formerly nymphae@gj / testimonials

blog stats

Interests:39: angelfood cake, ballet, being ever so lovely!, books with pictures, brigitte bardot, bunnies, cashmere, chanel, chantal thomass, cinderella & aurora, cletus, crème de la mer, dance dance dance dance, designer sunglasses, fabulous shoes!, fashion fashion fashion fashion, ferrets, harvey nicks!, having superior hair, high-heels, isabel marant, italicising, kittens, madonna, marzipan, mrs. daphne pontner, nina ricci, older men, oregon trail, pansy, philly!!, shopping in paris, tabby, the capslock key, the high life, tracey, vincent, vincent hitting people, winning every time
Schools:None listed
People79:ajohnson, amicability, architect, badinerie, balls, bitchy, blaise, bogart, caitriona, canaries, cho, clagg, cormac, crab, creepy, daftne, dicktator, dthomas, dunstan, english, ernest, eugenie, explosives, farmed, filmography, flamethrower, foulmouthflint, freddy, gems, gunther, hagrid, hairjordans, harried, hooper, ireland, ironyinherent, katies, keenan, lackey, lysol, macbeth, mchammer, melinda, moragwrites, muffins, neuro, noraptors, notwilly_thanks, obnoxious, orange, peakes, peta, philosopher, poisonous, ppatil, prayer, propriety, punish, redtresses, residentabyss, ritchie, salesman, science, shirley, sluts92, sonotperiwinkle, stebbins, sunshine, tattle, teacherofrock, toke, toldstein, torture, tramontane, victoriously, vpmods, vpnpc, wangsta, waynehopkins
Friend of:84: amicability, architect, badinerie, balls, bitchy, blaise, bogart, caitriona, canaries, cho, clagg, cormac, crab, creepy, daftne, dicktator, dthomas, dunstan, english, ernest, eugenie, explosives, farmed, filmography, flamethrower, fletwock, foulmouthflint, freddy, gems, gould, gunther, hagrid, hairjordans, harried, heavens_cloths, hooper, ireland, ironyinherent, katies, keenan, kirke, lackey, lysol, macbeth, mchammer, moragwrites, muffins, naches, neuro, noraptors, notwilly_thanks, obnoxious, orange, peakes, pensioner, peta, philosopher, physicsgeek, poisonous, ppatil, prayer, propriety, punish, quiet_artist, residentabyss, ritchie, salesman, science, shirley, sluts92, sonotperiwinkle, staid, stebbins, sunshine, tattle, teacherofrock, toke, toldstein, torture, tramontane, victoriously, vpmods, wangsta, waynehopkins
Member of:1: politik_vip
Account type:Special Early Donator Account

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