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Subject:Two of Swords: Alexandra and Samuel Westerveldt
Time:12:08 am
The Two of Swords is balance, equilibrium, and a striving for harmony.

Alex and Sam are the eldest children of Louis and Genevieve. The twins have a tendency to balance each other out, come to the other's rescue and bring each other back to their senses. The twins would be completely lost without each other.

Alexandra and Samuel have always bounced back and forth between extremes. They would mercilessly tease their younger siblings but then assume the older, responsible sibling role. They can be extremely cruel one moment and exceedingly kind the next. As children they got up to hijinks together and when they weren't together, they covered for the other. As they grew older they still remained close, but for a time became worse influences for each other, ten years ago they faced their darkest moment.

As a prank, Alexandra jumped out at Marielle as she was coming up the stairs. Marielle fell backwards and broke her neck, killing her instantly. Alex was so mortified she couldn't say a word. She ran to Sam's room and cried for hours, when he heard from his father that Marielle was dead, he knew. Alex immediately told him the whole story and feeling insanely guilty for the death of her sister asked that he never reveal the truth to anyone else. The twins have kept their pact of silence to this day and skirt around the topic of their lost sister.

As adults Alex and Sam still have moments of completely flakiness but they're more grounded and sensible than they were in their youth. Alex can be your best friend and your worst enemy, she can scheme and manipulate but she cares for her family like no one's business. Sam gets bored easily and will often take off on an adventure for days at a time, leaving his wife and kids at home, in his absence Alex keeps them company and watches after the kids. Most days Sam is a better playmate than he is a father, but he genuinely cares about his family even if he thinks his wife is sometimes a bit over the top.

Sam was married to Amara, a total gossip queen who talks a mile a minute. He has a hard time keeping up with her and sometimes ignores her but at the end of the day she's still his wife and the mother of their children, Ezra and Raja.

Children of Louis and Genevieve
Brother and sister of Logan
Sam is married to Amara and father of Ezra and Raja
Alex is married to RĂ¡imundr who is desperately trying to have children
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