curiousvenus - 468
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Date: 2010-03-28 15:22
Subject: 468
Security: Public
Mood:amused amused
Music:oh! | snsd

This MV reminded me of [info]lawton_anime and his Cheers! manga! Ahem!

My personal favourites are SooYoung (No. 24/she's the one in blue at 0:21 and 0:49), HyoYeon (No. 32/she's the one in green at 1:25 and 1:37) and of course, cute ol' Sunny (No. 12/she's the one in red at 0:59 and 1:00)!! Is it bad that I wanna squish Sunny's cheeks at 3:11? (O____o)

There's a running joke that the number on their jerseys reflect the number of cosmetic surgeries they've had. So that would mean Yuri had none. Hahaha!

The ending is actually a preview to Run Devil Run (런데빌런)

Whooooo~ HyoYeon looks so sassy!

1st day of red tide day. Guh!

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User: [info]lawton_anime
Date: 2010-03-28 21:48 (UTC)
Subject: (no subject)

lol the uniforms are different hahaha but I see your meaning :P so supposedly the numbers on the jerseys represent their surgeries... I saw one at 32! thats a lot if its true haha

no problem with wanting to squish her cheeks :P I don't know them by name '_' so thanks for putting their jerseys and names together! :P the last mv reminded me alot of the American pop stars right now '_' or rather the past few years and not so much now.

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curiousvenus: pic 177
User: [info]curiousvenus
Date: 2010-03-29 07:59 (UTC)
Subject: (no subject)
Keyword:pic 177

Cosmetic surgeries are a norm in Japan and Korea. They've invented the robotic-assisted, minimally-invasive surgeries for thyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy specifically for these looks-conscious folks.

It's pretty hard to tell them apart. Products of mass cosmetic surgeries!

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User: [info]lawton_anime
Date: 2010-03-30 02:14 (UTC)
Subject: (no subject)

oh yes I have heard of the robotic pieces they are putting in now! ^_^ really neat stuff '_'

:P products are they now

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curiousvenus: pic 135
User: [info]curiousvenus
Date: 2010-03-30 13:07 (UTC)
Subject: (no subject)
Keyword:pic 135

Happy plastic!

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my scribbles
October 2011