curiousvenus - Post a comment
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Date: 2010-03-12 00:05
Subject: 458
Security: Public
Mood:accomplished accomplished
Music:all the things she said | t.a.t.u.

NEW LAYOUT DESU ... featuring Noon and Cherry from Dear Galileo. It could use a matching icon. I need to make it. After some sleep.

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User: [info]lawton_anime
Date: 2010-03-19 02:30 (UTC)
Subject: (no subject)

hmm hmm got a good selection should you know where the plces are :P could eat a different meal every night easily with that palette!

ohh also you came up in conversation today a few times between me and my parents and my sister melissa, one a separate note she told me about a couple of Malaysian exchange students at UCO when I mentioned ya and the items you sent ^_^ they are still pushing on knowing all about us, I need to tell soon *_* if they are getting this way about it they may like it (bout us) >_<;

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October 2011