AIM Roleplay-
Thread Roleplay-
Open: Can anyone join? Or is it reserved?
Your name, or an alias to call you
You must be 17 or older to join
One or the other is acceptable, both are preferred
First and last
Who you will be using to represent your character
Keep it realistic. No 15-year-old captains, etc.
Home planet
Their class or rank on a ship
Yes or no, whether they have had an implant put in on Kular; must be a captain for an implant
For mod-knowledge only
Sample IC post:
At least five sentences, just to give the mod an idea of how you play the character
Ship- For captains only
Pirate, Merchant, Pirate Hunter, etc.
Maximum occupancy:
How many people the ship can hold
Number of crew needed:
How many people the ship needs to function
Copy and paste.
Sample IC post:
Maximum occupancy:
Number of crew needed:
For now, there is a limit of 5 captains. All applications will be screened.
The closest planet to the sun, Aosos experiences great heat in their days and great cold in their nights on the surface. As a result, the planet's population lives underground, where generators keep their temperature stable. They maintain small gardens to feed a very controlled population. Their main export is steel, often in the form of expensive spaceships, and their main imports are fruit and grain. There is a small market for jewelery and spices, but it is a fickle market. They have a minor space exploration group, but their population is very unlikely to turn to piracy, as the population is so small and well controlled. Their goverment is ruled by a patriarchal royal family.
Egea is a rocky planet that is ill suited for human habitation. There are a few oasises, and the population of the planets gather around these. Their main exports are gemstones and silver as well as jewelery made from the two combined. Their main import is food and spare water in preparations for drought. Egeans are likely to turn to piracy because of the wasteland driving them to seek new frontiers as well as a means to survival. Their government is made up of several tribal councils with consuls of either gender.
Nimon produces an abundance of grain and fruit and other such edibles. These are their main exports, and their upper class tends to import spices from Kular and jewelry from Egea. Despite the abdunance of food on the planet, or perhaps because of it, there is a very sharp class division between the very wealthy, about ten percent of the population, and the very poor, about seventy percent of the population. Space careers are commonly taken by Nimon citizens. The upper class generally provides captains, the middle class merchants, and the low class pirates. The government is run by three elected senators who are up for reelection every five years.
Nimon's moon, Minom, is the home of the solar system's most prestigious space school. Nearly three-fourths of the members of any crew, and almost every captain, on a spaceship were educated on Minom.
Kular is a very tropical planet that produces most of the spices that the wealthy elite of Nimon buy, as well as sometimes those from Aosos. They are also known for two things in the world of space careers: they were the first planet to employ pirate hunters to protect their shipments by seeking out pirates before an attack, and they created the Implant technology. Implant allows, with a device that is wired into the brain and attached to the left temple of a person's head, for a captain to control their ship by thought, firing guns and directing the course. However, it also means that when the ship is damaged, unless the implant is turned off by a professional, the captain feels the same comparative damage. On other planets and even among interplanetary crews, Implants are considered controversial. The government is run by two chancellors, who are chosen by group of six elected representatives, reelected every three years.
Galis is the final planet of the Crystalis Solar System. It is a gas planet, unable to be inhabitated, but it marks the beginning of unknown territory. Some are said to have ventured past Galis... never to be heard from again.
1. There is in-character (IC), and there is out-of-character (OOC). Keep them separate. I'm sure that should be easy. If you dislike someone OOC, please try and leave that OOC. Your character does not have to get along with theirs, but your character should not hate theirs without any sort of reason. If two characters do not get along IC, that is not a reason for their players to not be at least civil to one another OOC.
2. No OOC drama. IC drama is fine, expected even. If everyone's characters got along all the time, there would be nothing to do. However, OOC drama is not wanted. Do you have a problem with someone? Try working it out with them first. Talk to them, discuss your differences. Can't work it out? Try and work around it. Don't have your characters interact, or have them interact as little as possible. This won't work? Your differences making you ready to leave the game? Talk to the mod. The mod will be more than happy to mediate or make a ruling, which will be final, but she would prefer that you not take things up directly with her. Try to work it out for yourself first.
3. Activity checks will be conducted every other Friday. Members are required to have participated in at least one roleplay every two checks. That means that you must participate in at least one roleplay every four weeks. Characters do not have to use their journals, but, if they do, they are to be actual journals, private to only the character unless stolen or another character is given permission, or letters, which are private between the characters unless stolen or shown to another character. For stolen and/or shown journals/letters, please have the consent of all parties involved. If Character A wants to show Character C a letter that Character B wrote to Character A, then the players of ALL THREE CHARACTERS must be in agreement. The characters theselves do not have to know, but the players must.
4. In-character actions create in-character consequences. If a subordinate character mouths off to their superior, the character will face consequences, and the player is expected acknowledge those consequences. Two days of solitary confinement do not need to be played out, but the character should react as if it happened.
5. Marriages, divorces, pregnancies, miscarriages, abortions, drug-related and other such storylines are allowed but must be discussed with the mod first. The mod wants to be sure that they will be handled appropriately and that there are not marriages and divorces happening in the blink of an eye. Relationships do not need to be cleared with the mod, only marriages.
6. Underage sexual content will NOT be allowed. The age of consent for the Crystalis Solar System is a blanket 18-years-old. If you are going to roleplay sexual situations either in the community or post the logs of it, you must be 18 or older (or at least give the mod no reason to think you are not) and your character must be as well.
7. RP logs must be under cut, and any mature themes must be specifically stated in the description.
7. Your journal name must be related to your character's name and not have excessive numbers, underscores, or other such things.
8. Holds will be good for one week, and one extension will be offered. After that, the PB is considered free game again.
9. The primary sort of roleplaying done is third-person, past tense, full sentences. If you and your partner or partners choose to play differently, that is fine, but please agree on it beforehand and accept that the majority of players will prefer third-person, past tense, and paragraphs.
10. A hiatus may be applied for. Simply tell the mod how long you expect to be gone for, and it will likely be granted. If IC roleplaying is done, you will be assumed to be off hiatus and will have to submit to activity checks again.
11. Do not use another person's character without permission. This includes that character's reaction to something yours says, does, or the like. If you aren't sure if you need permission for something or not, get it anyway.
12. One warning will be issued for breaking rules, then you will be removed from the community.
13. Be respectful to everyone. Mature behavior is loved.
14. Please write a biography post (at least 4 paragraphs) or a list of 15 detailed facts about your character and put it either on your character's profile or in their journal.
The Crystalis Solar System
Named for the ancient space exploration mission that supposedly settled Aosos, the nearest planet to the system's sun, the Crystalis Solar System is located in the Andromeda Galaxy. There are five identified planets in the system, four of which are habitable.
Each planet has its own government and its own problems, but they make up a community. Many are self-sufficient, but through contact with other planets, a network has been established. There are merchants, escorts, navies, pirates, and pirate-hunters. There are also tourists, who often travel with merchants, but there are some ships that cater specifically to transporting guests between planets.