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Maria Helena Grayson ([info]crossbow_bat) wrote,
@ 2010-11-13 22:44:00

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Test scene
Maria Helena Grayson Wayne opened an eye and groaned. She felt like she had been chewed up and spit back out. Stupid magic. She hated magic. It came as a surprise that one of the criminals she had been pursuing had been a magic user. She found out the hard way after she had cornered them.

Maria picked herself up and stumbled back to where she left her bike. It was gone.

"Dammit!" she cursed. It would be a long walk home. Or maybe not.

Maria found a bicycle that was locked up outside a pizza shop. She felt like a heel, but she need a set of wheels. She was only going to borrow it. She'd return it tomorrow night. The lock was easy to pick and a few moments later she rode off into the darkness.

Quite some time later she reached the Batcave. Now she could trudge upstairs and get some well deserved sleep.

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2010-11-14 04:33 am UTC (link)
"'Cause I'm only in this for the happy face band-aid and the lollipop," she said. Maria was used to Bruce being silent and had usually talked enough for the two of them. "I don't give out blood for nothing and stranger do have the best candy."

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2010-11-14 04:44 am UTC (link)

Maria's DNA was inserted into the database, and Bruce ran the program for comparisons to Richard Grayson and Helena Bertinelli. And it matched. Bruce's expression got even more grim.

"How did you get here?" he asked. He expected some snark in her reply, as per her relation to Helena. But if she knew him well enough, she'd get to the point soon enough.

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2010-11-14 04:46 am UTC (link)
"I was tracking a group of criminals and when the timing was right I swooped in to kick their asses. One of them was a magic user. I kicked some ass and then the next thing I knew I woke up face first on the pavement in this world."

"So I passed, boss?"

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2010-11-14 10:07 pm UTC (link)

Bruce kept silent for the moment, thinking about things for a moment. The DNA test didn't lie, meaning that he would be in contact with Dick and Helena, and soon.

"I'll be contacting your parents--from this Earth--tomorrow. Until then, you know where the guest room is." Code for 'get some sleep'.

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2010-11-15 12:34 am UTC (link)
Maria blinked. "They're alive?" She hadn't really been expecting /that/. Her mind started racing. She hadn't thought of the possibility that they could still be alive in this world. Then again she had only been here for a span of five minutes so far.

It was mind blowing.

Normally here was where she would make a comment about Bruce being more crotchety in his old age, but she didn't have the ability to form words at the moment. She nodded instead.

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2010-11-15 06:20 am UTC (link)

"Yes," he replied. "They are alive, but they are not in a relationship together."

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2010-11-15 06:22 am UTC (link)
"I didn't expect them to be alive," she said quietly. "Mine died when I was five."

"I think I need to sleep on all of this."

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2010-11-15 06:26 am UTC (link)

"Do that," Bruce advised. "Dick will be here when you wake up."

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2010-11-15 06:27 am UTC (link)
She looked at him and almost told him she didn't want to see Dick, not yet, but she didn't. She nodded.

"Thanks, Bruce." She left off the uncle to keep him from being uncomfortable.

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2010-11-15 06:45 am UTC (link)

Bruce kept silent for a moment, as if he was multi-tasking his thoughts.

"Just get some sleep," he said.

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2010-11-15 06:48 am UTC (link)
"Yes, sir!" she said with a salute and marched off to the guest room.

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