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rebecca + euan |
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Bella Notte ♫ ♫ Side by side with your loved one, You'll find enchantment here.
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k o b e |
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Red Guitar ♫ The color never fades away / No matter where she has it placed / And my life would change when I saw / The face of her red guitar
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j o n a s |
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e l l i o t |
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I Want To Hold Your Hand ♫ And when I touch you i feel happy, inside / It´s such a feeling / That my love / I can't hide
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e l l s i n o r e |
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c l a r a |
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Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds ♫ Towering over your head / Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes / and she's gone
Someday ♫ I speak the truth its all i know / As your tears fall to the snow / And we both know / That tonight I can't say that I'll come back to you someday
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e m m e t |
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e l i z a b e t h |
![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v613/one3curly8fry/Valesco/profile/info/strips/ian.png) |
Crash ♫ Touch your lips just so I know / In your eyes, love, it glows so / I'm bare boned and crazy for you / When you come crash into me, baby
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i a n |
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m e g a n |
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j o n a t h a n |
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n o a h |
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The Planets Bend Between Us ♫ A hundred million suns and stars / The sea filled in this silence / Before you sank those words
Halo ♫ Remember those walls I built? / Well, baby they're tumbling down / And they didn't even put up a fight
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o d e t t e |
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t o m a s |
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a v i s |
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n o ë l |
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m a c o n |
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a g a t h a |
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Hard-Headed Woman ♫ I got a woman, a head like a rock. / If she ever went away I'd cry around the clock
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f r e d r i c k |
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g a b r i e l |
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r a c h e l |
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d i r k |
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z o r a |
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b r e e |
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Lullaby ♫ They didn't have you where I come from / Never knew the best was yet to come / Life began when I saw your face
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n a t e |
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s a r a h |
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b r i e r |
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e l i z a |
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Daydream Believer ♫ You once thought of me / As a white knight on a steed / Now you know how happy I can be
You Make My Dreams Come True ♫ What I want, you've got / And it might be hard to handle / But like the flame that burns the candle / The candle feeds the flame
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d e d a l u s |
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m i r a n d a |
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r a l p h |
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p h o e b e |
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e l p h i a s |
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g i a d a |
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g r a e m e |
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b e s s |
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I Want You To Want Me ♫ I want you to want me / I need you to need me / I'd love you to love me
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d r y s t a n |
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e s t e l l a |
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c a d e n |
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s e b a s t i a n |
![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v613/one3curly8fry/Valesco/profile/info/strips/mackenzie.png) |
So Close ♫ So close to reaching that famous happy end / Almost believing this was not pretend / And now you’re beside me and look how far we’ve come
The Great Escape ♫ We'll make the great escape / We won't hear a word they say / They don't know us anyway
Don't Go Breaking My Heart ♫ And nobody told us / `Cause nobody showed us / And now it's up to us babe / I think we can make it |
m a c k e n z i e |
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t i m o t h y |
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a d a m i n a |
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m a d e l e i n e |
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n i c h o l a s |
![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v613/one3curly8fry/Valesco/profile/info/strips/adelaide.png) |
a d e l a i d e |
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Fix You ♫ Lights will guide you home / And ignite your bones / And I will try to fix you
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a n d r e |
![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v613/one3curly8fry/Valesco/profile/info/strips/william.png) |
w i l l i a m |
![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v613/one3curly8fry/Valesco/profile/info/strips/anneliese.png) |
My Favourite Book ♫ And to this day, when everything breaks, you are the anchor that holds me
She Will Be Loved ♫ It's not always rainbows and butterflies / It's compromise that moves us along, yeah
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a n n e l i e s e |
![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v613/one3curly8fry/Valesco/profile/info/strips/danielle.png) |
d a n i e l l e |
![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v613/one3curly8fry/Valesco/profile/info/strips/donovan.png) |
Ticket to Ride ♫ I don't know why she's riding so high / She ought to think right / She ought to do right by me / Before she gets to saying goodbye
The Only Exception ♫ And I've always lived like this / Keeping a comfortable distance / And up until now, I had sworn to myself / That I'm content with loneliness / Because none of it was ever worth the risk / Well, you are the only exception
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d o n o v a n |
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e r i n |
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r a f e |
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r a b a s t a n |
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o c t a v i a |
![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v613/one3curly8fry/Valesco/profile/info/strips/alice.png) |
a l i c e |
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The Guide ♫ I've seen the future / I've been to the bottom / But you keep my head above
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f r a n k |
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i s o b e l |
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a r c t u r u s |
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l u c i u s |
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n a r c i s s a |
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e l e n a |
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t i b e r i u s |
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p h i n e a s |
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j o y |
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c h a n d l e r |
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w e n d y |
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m a t i l d a |
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j o h n |
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j a m e s |
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l i l y |
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p s y k e |
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t r i s t a n |
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b i a n c a |
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b e r t r a m |
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e m m e l i n e |
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c a r a d o c |
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p a t r i c k |
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l y s s a n d r a |
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m a r k |
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h a n n a h |
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