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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2010-05-20 10:27:00

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f r o b i s h e r

b r i d e
g r o o m
the bridal p a r t y
moh - greta catchlove
best man - dedalus diggle
harmony dodderidge
ingrid catchlove
franzy dolohov
eliza diggle
iris madley
maddox dodderidge
moses dodderidge
mortimer dodderidge
davy gudgeon
kingsley shacklebolt
flower girl - gemma gudgeon
ring bearer - kevin entwhistle
v e n u e
g u e s t s
denise dodderidge

maddox dodderidge & andrea cervantes

moses & harmony dodderidge

mortimer dodderidge & malcolm brown

greta catchlove + date

ingrid catchlove + christian entwhistle

stubby & franzy boardman
jack & darcy merridew

dedalus & eliza diggle

davy gudgeon + moira cresswell

kingsley shacklebolt + date

frank & alice longbottom
elphias & phoebe doge

zachary sloper + date

hugh & sarah abbott

tomas & avis booth

derek dobbs + date

aberforth dumbledore

sebastian & mackenzie goldstein

galvin gudgeon + date

andre & adelaide jordan

remus lupin

sturgis podmore + marissa macfusty

aaron egg + gladys gudgeon

xenophilius & lucy lovegood

dirk & zora cresswell

seymour & chloe dingle

mundungus fletcher + date

brad & iris madley

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