Matilda, Emmet, Marcus & John Jr.
Matilda really did enjoy taking her baby out and around the town. Or Diagon Alley, whatever. People often cooed and aww'd and she was allowed to be honestly pleased with the attention Johnathan received. Because, really. She did make him, after all. So it took her absolutely one second to decide that she and the baby would sit down with Emmet and Marcus after running into them outside of the ice cream parlour. There was a lot of traffic there, which meant more people to gawk and awe at the beautiful baby bouncing on her knee.
"Girls are easy, Emmet, there's no need to worry," she said with a flick of her wrist. The man across from her scoffed, and Marcus dug his spoon deeper into the bowl of ice cream.
"The only girls I've ever really known are you, Mackenzie, and Alecto, and really--the odds of her turning out like----you are rather slim."
Matilda's eyebrows rose, knowing that it wasn't his original response, but she didn't get to respond as John exited the ice cream parlour, looking ridiculously sour. It was certainly not her fault that Johnathan needed to have his first ever ice cream cone right this instant. He stopped beside their table, holding out the cone with a stiff arm, and with Matilda's not so subtle nod toward Emmet, John turned and let out a hmph, which was a clear indication to Matilda that the visit was cut short.
"Well! I'll see you, Emmet, we're going to go find a bigger table.."
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