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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2009-02-16 20:22:00

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ODETTE MACFARLAN'S new boy toy look familiar?
That's because he's the little brother of
quidditch star MARTIN BOOT!
Why don't these stars ever date us
normal folk?!


Super model PSYKE has given birth to her first child! Lavender Brown - sounds like one of her last line's color schemes! Let's wish her husband a quick recovery!

The WWN has reported that KIRBY CATCHLOVE has been in negotiations to release his first solo album! But Kirby, The Hobgoblins need to perform at the BADDOCK/DOLOHOV wedding!

And the WWN is also holding a vigil for recently deceased cast member GLENDA CHITTOCK. Tune in this Friday at 7:00pm for the two hour long broadcast of dedications and memories of this rising star!

What on earth will GRIFF KIRKHAM and WEST SUMPTER do now that their babysitter of a surrogate has so tragically left this mortal plane??


This supposedly DASHING FELLOW has a nearly spotless record; but what's this? Trouble with the LAW? This DARING FLYER has been lurking around the Law Offices of the Ministry! What could you possibly be up to, you DELICIOUS FOOL?

What quidditch newlywed was recently scolded for adding CRUSTACEANS to the mix? Word on the street that this tasty tiny delicacy is really code for a MISTRESS! Would you like some cocktail sauce, Captain?

This WWN star has not only planted his ROOTS into the new role of husband, but is already adding branches to the family tree! Too bad the pollinated flower is stuck inside the walls of Hogwarts!

IAN BELL'S pixie of a wife was seen
hanging out with RANDOM and STRANGE men this weekend
Where's the hubby?! Where's the baby?? Looks like
someone is needing a time out!

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