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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2009-01-14 15:06:00

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To: (character played by you or me or anyone else)
From: (one of my characters)
RE: (You can choose a love letter, angry letter, sad letter, advice with how to deal with another person, resigning from something, applying for something, a venting letter about another character, whatever. If you want something written about a third character, you will have to name that individual)

>] if you want to write back IC, or something, feel free

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2009-01-16 06:04 am UTC (link)
You need to make sure you're sitting down! Are you sitting down? I can hear you moving, you know, I have a very good, keen sense of hearing. You're not sitting! You need to sit, or else the rest of this letter won't appear. My charmwork is that impressive.

Finally! Took you long enough, hm?

Now, firstly, I'd like to say: this is your fault. If you weren't so charming and all around sexually appealing, this would never have happened. So this is all your fault, before you get mad at me. There's no reason to be mad at me, because I have never been ale to resist your ways. So don't look at me funny, or yell, or be mean, because there will be much crying to deal with and---you really don't like the couch in the living room, and if there is yelling, or any hint of anger, then that will be your new home for the rest of your life.

Now that that's settled!

I know you're not dumb, I know you've probably suspected it for a few weeks now, but I'll be honest and say I've been too nervous to tell your, or even find out for sure. Of course, I did when I first suspected, but it was honestly the scariest thing I've ever done. Now just imagine how scary it actually was, considering all I've (we've!) seen and been through. You should be relieved you didn't have to go through it; you could think of it as me saving you some terrifying excursion.

I was scared, but now I'm excited. And--I'm not going to try and convince myself that you're going to be, but I want you to know that I am. It's not a bad thing, no matter the alarms and sirens that are going off in your head right now. Sure it is scary, like I said earlier (not going to take that back, no!), but it's a very good kind of scary and--yes. I have faith that you'll survive this.

All right! This little bump in the road (or should I say stomach, aha, so witty) has made me rather sentimental and sappy.

I'm pregnant, by the way. If you didn't get it.

There's tea and a headache potion on the stove.

And I do love you, this isn't some ridiculous revenge plot, remember.


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