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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2008-01-11 23:28:00

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Entry tags:meme, valesco

Bringing it to Scribbld :]
Here's how it happens. You give me a couple, any couple (so long as I've played one of the characters) and I'll write a drabble around 100 words about them in reply to your comment. This can be ANY couple (anything.. shippiness or cuteness or whatever), and it can have been a game-canon couple, or something completely off-the-wall. I do back-history, I do future, and I do AU crack. If you want a particular theme or rating, let me know. The ratings will be anywhere from G to uh, well I suppose NC-17 but I dunno if I can get that in 100ish words.

/ = Shippyness and "and" means ordinary interaction

You knew it was coming!

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Gleny and Emmeline
2008-01-14 12:04 am UTC (link)
Emmeline had both hands covering her face, trying to hide her blush and laughter. Oh God, how had that managed to slip out?

"Shhhh, don't tell!" she nearly shrieked, because she had to if she wanted Gleny to hear her requests. The girl was laughing and shrieking so loudly that Emmeline was quite sure that her eardrums were going to burst, "YOU CANNOT TELL!"

"I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEWWWWWWWWWW IT!" Gleny was now jumping on the couch in a funny dance and Emmeline couldn't hold herself back any longer; she let out a high-pitched shriek that dissolved into giggles and fell sideways onto the couch. Merlin's bloody---two years ago this would be the last place she ever thought she'd be, but here she was, having girl time with Gleny Chit---Prewett!

The front door opened and Gideon appeared with Tristan on his hip, the two boys staring at the two women.

"What's so funny?" he asked, and it just made Emmeline and Gleny laugh harder. Gideon paused for a moment before shrugging at Tristan and disappearing into the house. Gleny dropped down, splayed across the couch.

"I knew you fancied him in school, I knew!"


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