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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2008-01-11 23:28:00

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Entry tags:meme, valesco

Bringing it to Scribbld :]
Here's how it happens. You give me a couple, any couple (so long as I've played one of the characters) and I'll write a drabble around 100 words about them in reply to your comment. This can be ANY couple (anything.. shippiness or cuteness or whatever), and it can have been a game-canon couple, or something completely off-the-wall. I do back-history, I do future, and I do AU crack. If you want a particular theme or rating, let me know. The ratings will be anywhere from G to uh, well I suppose NC-17 but I dunno if I can get that in 100ish words.

/ = Shippyness and "and" means ordinary interaction

You knew it was coming!

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2008-01-12 05:34 am UTC (link)

prongs and a shoe


Gideon/Samantha for oldschools.

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2008-01-12 06:14 am UTC (link)
"So, what do you think?"

"I don't know."

Gleny Chittock pursed her lips and huffed, putting down the purse and moving onto the next one.

"What about this one?"

Tim scrunched his nose and shrugged, and she let out another loud, dramatic sigh before putting the bag down and moving a bit further down the aisle. Shopping with Gleny had not been a good decision to make, Tim decided, switching the bags from his left hand to his right. How she could find so many things to spend money on, he had no idea, but his girlfriend seemed to be the queen of spoiling herself.

Gleny lifted another bag and just gave Tim a look, prompting him to respond.

"Aw, Gleny--I dunno, everything looks nice on you!"

The sweet smile that had crossed her lips was completely unexpected to Tim, and he was more than surprised when Gleny pushed herself up on her tiptoes to kiss him.

"Good answer! Let's go to shoes..."

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2008-01-13 08:21 am UTC (link)
Gideon didn't know why he faked sleeping during the summer anymore, it never failed. She'd always come at exactly eleven-thiry, he'd always open the window, yawn, stretch, rub his eyes, and hide the fact that he was already in his jeans and sneakers, ready to go out. He was almost sure that Sam knew his game, but he liked that if she did, she still played along.

"Gideon---oy, you're a lousy boy, in bed by eleven!" Samantha Hardy shouted up from the ground, eyes flitting to the first story window to make sure she hadn't woken his parents.

"And you're a lousy girl," he shot back, wiping at his eyes before slinging his leg out the window, "Running around the neighborhood hootin' and hollerin'"

"Never said I was a good girl," she retorted, hands on her hips as Gideon grabbed onto the branch outside his window. He carefully made his way along its length before reaching the trunk and stepping down to the lower branches. He could do this in his sleep, he'd been doing it since his first summer home from Hogwarts, and now going into seventh year--sure he could've apparated, but what was the fun in that?

Gideon dropped down to the ground, lifting his chin to mimic Samantha's haughty grin. What she had to be haughty about, he had no idea, but he wasn't going to let her out haughty him.

She stepped forward, poking his chest lightly.

"Don't ever grow up, Gideon," she said, her tone a lot softer than he'd been expecting. His haughty expression faltered, and he tilted his head. Grinning, he cuffed Samantha lightly in the chin.

"Ahhh, Sam, s'long as you keep kidnapping me out of my bedroom, I'll be all right."

"Even if you've got a stuck up wife that doesn't realize how much you need me to have fun?" she asked quickly, "Because it's true. I dunno what you're going to do without me when you graduate in June."

Gideon opened his mouth to retort that he'd be just fine, but the startling revelation that he couldn't fathom living without Samantha struck him hard in the chest, and suddenly he wasn't looking forward to his seventh year of school.

"Even if I've got a stuck up wife that doesn't realize how much I need you," he responded. Sam's lips pursed slightly, eyes widening, but as if the conversation never happened, she grabbed Gideon's hand and began to tug him through the yard.

"C'mon, I found this perfect spot---you can see the entire screen of the drive-in..."

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2008-01-13 11:08 pm UTC (link)
Nate could always tell when Bree was up to something. Well--not up to something, but when she was hiding something, or avoiding something---just something. She kind of got twitchy. Not twitchy---well, a little twitchy. On edge! On edge sounded a lot better than twitchy. Bree got on edge when there was something going on, and by the way her knee was bouncing, it was something big.

"Hey Scott?" Nate called, and the boy's head shot up from his blocks (and so did Bree's she'd been carefully watching him), "Could you bring those to your room? There's more room in there."

"Okiessssssss," Scott responded in a bit of a whistle and piled all of the blocks into his bucket and waddled out, leaving Nate and Bree alone. He dropped down to the couch and leaned back into the cushions, Bree remaining on the edge, knees still bouncing furiously.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," she responded, as if it was silly to ask. Nate refrained from rolling his eyes and sat forward, trying to catch his wife's gaze.

"Okay, so what are you thinking about?"

Bree's shoulders scrunched and she squirmed a bit under his gaze. Nate slowly began to grin, his hand going to her back to slip around her waist. She loosened up slightly, and finally looked down at her husband.

"I---I'm pregnant."

"Okay." Bree's worried eyes sharpened into a great glare.

"Okay? That's it? That's---That is not the response---you are supposed to be---Nathan Ewan Dawlish you are---I cannot believe---"

His hands had magically moved to the back of her head and Nate captured Bree in a kiss, shutting up her worries and showing her he knew exactly how she wanted him to react.

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