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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2008-08-10 10:26:00

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Entry tags:love, meme, otps

Something borrowed, something blue...something like that. Give me one of your characters and one of mine and I will write you a short drabble of what a marriage proposal could be like for them! Feel free to pick a current ship, complete crack, or even one we've played or discussed that out and I'll do a variation of sorts.

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Anthony and Melinda
2008-08-11 04:27 pm UTC (link)
Melinda knew he was going to propose tonight. She just knew it! How could he not. It was their third anniversary, he'd taken her to her favorite restaurant, he was sweating, and her mother had given her the pearls to wear. He was totally proposing.

And if he didn't? She'd still love him. She'd want to strangle him and beat his head into the table for making her think he was going to propose, because who does that to the woman they love? Who gets them all excited without saying a word or any sort of hint toward anything, and then not do anything? That is rude Anthony Goldstein, that is very rude and if he does not propose he should be very ashamed of himself and---

"What are you doing on the floor!" Melinda let out, having found her self so completely absorbed in the punishment she was going to inflict on her boyfriend if he didn't propose that she hadn't seen him slip to one knee on the side of the table. Melinda stared almost angrily, because the thoughts were rather hard to push away. Anthony looked like he was going to get sick.

"I---I was going to propose."


Oh, okay.

She didn't have to kill him now.

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