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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2014-02-06 00:00:00

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mattie scarpin


The striking sound of the wrong notes in the wrong chord filled the house, followed by frustrated squeals and near shrieks. Mattie tip-toed toward the source of the ruckus, the only one brave enough to approach the center of un-melodic chaos. With the door slightly ajar, she peered her head in and covered her mouth to hide her laughter at the sight of her little sister pounding furiously away at the grand piano. Composing herself, as to not create any larger of a fury than what was already, Mattie pushed into the room and strode happily toward her sister, hair bouncing on her shoulders with each step.

"You sound great, Nicky!" she squealed, clapping her hands together and forcing herself not to wince at a painfully-wrong note. The little sister looked sharply up from the keys, a deep frown on her face.

"You are not supposed to lie," she said, turning back to the piano. Nicola's feet didn't reach the pedals so she sat on her knees, allowing her to reach the sheet music with relative ease. She switched the parchment back into order and began the piece once again. It was going well, it always started out well, but Mattie readied herself for the run that always turned into a jumble of flat notes and sharps. She winced; there it was.

"I simply cannot do it!" Nicola let out, dropping her hands to the keys in disgrace. Mattie closed the few feet of distance between them and slid onto the stool, propping herself right next to her little sister.

"It's because of how you're laying your fingers," she said. Mattie squinted at the music, not having played this song in some time, and after a few moments of reading it, closed her eyes and let her fingers dance across the keys. Hearing the notes and the melody escape her fingertips was more magical than the spells their parents concocted in their lab, more beautiful than the dresses than lined their closets. Music to Mattie was the key to happiness, and simply hearing the first few notes brought the whole piece back from the recesses of her memory and she finished the song.

She opened her eyes and turned to her sister with a smile, but was greeted with the most monstrous of pouts. Nicola's childish features made the expression comical, really, but Mattie knew that if she laughed her sister would never forgive her.

"Here, let me show you," she said, and without asking, took hold of Nicola's little wrists and placed them in position. With soft, supporting words, Mattie slowly helped her sister's fingers move from the right key to the next, working through the difficult spots with encouragement and pride. She explained how difficult it had been for her to learn it, and Nicola watched their hands with great intensity. Mattie enjoyed the focus on her sister's face, hoping that maybe they would share a common love for music.

Mattie bit the inside of her cheek as they reached the last few bars of music and...they...were...."Done!"

Her hands flew up into the air as Nicola let out a shriek of delight.

"You did it!"

"I did it!"

Mattie threw her arms around her sister in a great big hug, rocking her back and forth. She pulled back, grinning from ear to ear. "You're going to be better than me someday, I have to start practicing more."

The younger sister looked thoughtful, and she tilted her head in question, "Do they have pianos at Hogwarts?"

The reminder that she was heading away to school in just a few weeks saddened her, and Mattie looked down at the keys of the piano. It would be the first time she'd ever be away from her parents or Nicola, and it was frightening.

"I don't know, I hope so," Mattie said, looking back to her sister. Her hands moved to fix the bow in Nicola's hair and the little sister's eyes crossed as she attempted to watch the ribbon fall back into place. Mattie finished the delicate knot and draped her sister's long hair over her shoulder. "If there is, I'll make sure to play it every night."

"Me too," Nicola said, taking on a look of determination. She squirmed and sat back in position, poising her hands on the keys, "It'll be like we're playing together, and that always sounds better."

Mattie smiled and listened to her sister practice their favorite song. She was glad to have something to look forward to.

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