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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2013-12-22 19:00:00

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It's the Holiday Season!
Give me a one (or more) of your characters and one (or more) of mine, and pick a drabble subject

1. Fa la la la la
2. Baby, it's cold outside
3. We can build a snowman
4. "You can't catch me..."
5. Please come home for Christmas
6. Sleigh bells ring
7. First snow
8. Up on the rooftop
9. Naughty or nice?
10. Silver bells
11. ...and a happy New Year!
12. Secret Santa
13. I saw Mummy kissing Santa Claus
14. Under the mistletoe
15. Snow is glistening
16. You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch
17. Why, it's Christmas day!
18. Stockings hung with care
19. Very shiny nose
20. Night before Christmas
21. Peppermint sticks
22. You better watch out!
23. Santa Claus is coming to town
24. Five minutes till midnight
25. Do you hear what I hear?

I usually fail at this one, but it can't be resisted! More than one snowflake can go to a prompt!

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