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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2011-04-26 20:42:00

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Entry tags:kristin, meme, writings

Happy Birthday Kristin Meme!!
WOOO Happy Birthday babe!! Match up the prompts with our couples (I threw in a few extra to give you some more choices :O) for some birthday prompts :^)


If she had been nervous before the performance, it was nothing like how she felt now at intermission. Estella moved quickly around the backstage area and shut herself into her dressing room, feeling utterly humiliated and dreadful even though the company members that she passed were showering her with wonderful compliments. She looked into her mirror, illuminated by large, bright bulbs, and wondered if she should just wipe off all of her makeup and let her understudy do the second act.

Why had he been staring at her like that?

There had been a quick moment when Estella had been able to pause and look into the crowd. Her time on the balcony as Juliet in the ballet allowed her to take in the audience and she'd been able to spot Caden immediately. Her eyes always seemed to be drawn to him, but tonight she saw him staring with an expression she'd never seen on his face before. It was so strange and odd, she nearly missed her cue and felt as if every step she took was wrong for the rest of the night. Apparently she hadn't, as her girls had squealed with such delight when the curtain fell, but now in the privacy of her dressing room Estella felt like a complete wreck.

She'd been so nervous about Caden seeing her dance, and then to see that he was looking at her in---in what, it was like confusion, almost, as if he couldn't get past all the prancing and jumping and...she almost felt embarrassed; her skills were ridiculous to him.

The small knock on her door caused Estella to jump out of her seat, and she paused a moment before pulling her hair out of its twists as the next scene required Juliet to be much more carefree and in love. Estella took a few breaths and opened the door, hoping that it wasn't---of course it was Caden. Her eyes ducked down to the floor, feeling her face flush with embarrassment.

"You don't have to sit through the second act," she said with a shrug of her shoulders, trying to keep her eyes from watering, "I know it's boring and---"

"You're amazing."

"Amazing?" Estella's head shot up, her eyes blinking furiously because she'd been so ready to cry and now she was startled and confused. Caden smiled, and it was so rare for him to smile so wide and fully that Estella felt her heart pound heavily against her chest, oh, she was going to pass out from all these different emotions.

His hands reached out to cup her face and Estella was now beginning to understand his expression. It mirrored that of her face when she watched him fly on the quidditch pitch, she was astonished by how well he performed and how easily he flew through the air. And now it seemed like she could do something that completely awed him.

"I knew you were good, but, Stell!" Caden laughed, looking--excited! He was excited for her! Estella felt like she could melt on the spot, and she blushed deeply, "You're amazing! I was--stunned!"


"Are you just going to keep repeating me?" His teasing tone made Estella let out a string of giggles herself and she pushed forward, hugging him tightly and feeling absolutely adored. Oh, he wasn't bored. He was stunned by her, he found her amazing, he'd been completely in awe of her just like she was of him nearly every second they were together.

"One thing," he said into her hair. Estella pulled back slightly and Caden's smile caused her to swoon all over again. She heard her stage manager begin to shout the time and knew that her time with Caden was going to be cut short. His hand drifted down to the floaty skirt she had on over her tights, letting his hands press against the fabric and her thigh, "You're going to have to wear this to bed one night."

Estella let out a great laugh, her arms keeping her hanging around Caden's neck, "Just like I make you wear your jersey?"

He moved forward to kiss her, murmuring a sound of approval into her mouth. Estella sunk into the kiss, all of her fears and insecurities vanishing without a trace.




Donovan let out a long yawn, stretching his legs out in front of him and pressing the back of his hand to his eyes. These past few weeks had been more than exhausting, and any time at home seemed to be spent sleeping or sitting in silence with Danielle. He wondered how she hadn't gotten angry with him, or got frustrated when most of her attempts at comfort and consolation worked for barely a minute before Donovan was sucked back into his thoughts and depression. Depression. He hated the word, and hated the connotations, but there was no other way to describe how terrible he felt after each day at the court, even when he didn't have to go for his brother's trial, it was just so draining and all he wanted to do was shut all the shades in the house and sit in the darkness with his thoughts.

"Donovan!" he heard Danielle call from another room. He didn't move an inch and wondered if he didn't respond that she'd think he was asleep. He immediately felt guilty for the thought and let his hand drop away from his face, the back of his head pressing into the top of the chair as he stared up at the ceiling. His girlfriend...fiancée...whatever Danielle was at the moment (he had not even thought about buying her a ring, and felt a pang of guilt at the thought), was trying so hard to press forward with their lives and make him happy again. Donovan wanted to once again feel happy and look forward to his life with her and the friends who stuck by him, but there wasn't anything for him to grab onto.

"Donovan? Come here, I want to show you something."

He let out a breath and pushed himself out of the chair, running a hand over his face as he shuffled toward the bedroom. Donovan felt like he'd been asleep for hours, with how scratchy his throat felt, but he'd really just been sitting in the dark for who knew how long.

"Where are you?" he let out as he started down the hallway toward the bedroom. None of the lights were on, another sign of how his dreadful attitude had been spreading across the house. Donovan heard the clicking of heels coming toward him from beyond the open bedroom door, and just as he turned on the nearest light, Danielle stepped out from the room and he nearly lost his balance.

There she was, the light from the bedroom window casting a halo of light around her body as she stood, looking nervously excited in a stunning white gown. A wedding gown, her dress, she had her dress? Donovan blinked, completely thrown at the sight of her. She looked beautiful, she looked like absolute perfection and he couldn't get close to her fast enough, his hands hovering by her sides because he felt that if he touched her she'd disappear back into his dreams.

"Is it all right?" she asked, peering down at her dress and back up at Donovan, looking hopeful. Donovan blinked, trying to find the words to describe her, to let her truly understand what he was feeling as he stared at her, but he couldn't figure out the words. He let out a breath, overwhelmed. Danielle smiled a small smile and took his hands in hers. "Are you speechless?"

Donovan choked out a laugh and nodded, enjoying how her smile grew and lit up her eyes. He sometimes could not believe she was real. Even with how terrible he'd been acting, how moody and depressing he'd been these past few weeks, she still was able to find that beautiful bright spot in their future to focus on. Donovan had not given a wedding a thought since he'd returned home, but seeing Danielle in her dress made him wish they could run to the altar right this minute. He lifted her hands to his lips to press soft kisses to her knuckles and Donovan let out a breath as he gripped onto her fingers,

"I thought seeing the dress was bad luck," he murmured, letting Danielle's hands go and slip around his shoulders. His hands finally gave into temptation and rested on her hips, the fabric under his fingertips sending shivers throughout his body. Danielle batted her eyes and shrugged, moving closer to him, pressing a kiss to his chin.

"I think we're allowed to make our own luck from now on," she whispered. Donovan smiled and could not stop himself any longer and kissed her soundly. His fiancee was amazing, and seeing her in this one white, beautiful dress had given him the hope for a future that he'd so desperately needed.



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2011-04-26 10:35 pm UTC (link)
Caden/Estella - Awe
Graeme/Giada - Sparkle (DUH)
Dedalus/Eliza - Nighttime
Donovan/Danielle - White

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