[.THEGIRL.] Krystan. Kry. Seventeen years old [18 on March 21st!!! :D], Senior at PLHS. Music nut. Participat(ing/ed) in marching band [pit], concert band [former clarinet, now percussion], chorus [alto/low soprano], spring musical [Seussical '07], and fall musical revue [Stars on Broadway '08]. Kinda lazy in school, but realizes that won't cut it in college. Wants to attend Russell Sage or The College of St. Rose and become certified in Early Childhood Education. Fears the impending real world, but is grateful to have an amazing boyfriend by her side who makes it a little easier. ♥ Starting to realize who her friends are [and, likewise, are not].
[.PRETTYMUCH.] In love. ♥ Has a good idea of how she wants her life to be. Wants nothing more than to be a good wife and a good mother to her future husband and children. Prays that future husband will be Charlie. :)
A walking contradiction if there ever was one. Simple [read: kinda boring] on the outside, but complex on the inside. Mostly quiet and shy, but she can be outgoing and a even little loud with the right people! Daydreamer, romantic, and idealistic. Counts a little too much on the good in other people. Shows a lack of common sense sometimes, and an abundance of it other times. A little too hard on herself... frequently. Over-apologetic. Respectful to adults [especially her friends' parents]. Easily hurt, but tries not to show it. Resilient. Comes off as kinda chill, apparently? Affectionate - loves hugs and kisses. Believes in natural beauty, not makeup. Dislikes change, reminisces a lot [maybe too much?]. Selfish yet selfless, if that makes any sense. Empathetic. Has enough care and love for the entire world. Mildly religious [as in she believes in God and prays often], but unsure of the path she wants to follow. Loves life. Straightedge, and intends to stay that way for many, many years. Liberal, but unsure of who to support in the upcoming election.
[.ITHINKILOVEYOU.] Charlie (♥), and everything to do with him. The smell of the air just before it rains. Being with friends. Location. Most aspects of nature. Peace and quiet. Hoodies and other cute or comfortable clothes. Love. Animals. Large houses. Anything to do with music. Gaming. Good food. Sleepovers. Partying it up with amazing people. Memories. Long, scenic car rides. Holidays (especially Christmas and New Years).
Pretty much life and all the little things that make it amazing.
[.PLAYINGFAVOURITES.] Music: The Decemberists, anything to do with Broadway/musicals, movie/game soundtracks, all genres and sounds. Will listen to anything and everything. Movies: Pirates trilogy, Harry Potter movies, Juno, anything put out by Disney or Pixar, The Mummy, Star Wars series, Chicken Little, Happy Feet, Sweeney Todd, Lord of the Rings, Serenity, various Lifetime movies. Books: Harry Potter series, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series, The Lovely Bones, Dante's Inferno, Gossip Girl series, The Princess Diaries, Harley: Like a Person, A Walk to Remember, various manga/comics (Megatokyo! :D). Television: Firefly, Gilmore Girls, Reba, George Lopez, Home Improvement, Whose Line is it Anyway?, 7th Heaven, Grounded for Life, Hannah Montana, Boy Meets World, The Cosby Show, Golden Girls, almost anything on Disney/Nick/Nick@Nite. Basically, I love to laugh. Anime: Fushigi Yuugi, Sailor Moon, Inu-Yasha, .hack//SIGN, Digimon, Big O, and others. Games: Final Fantasies VII/VIII/X/X-2, Kingdom Hearts I/II, Mario games, various Legend of Zelda's, the Sims, various forms of Solitaire, Mah-Jhongg, Placer Racer, various board games.
[.NOTSOMUCH.] Drama, and the people who cause it. Bees and spiders. Dogs that bite. Being alone. Feminism. Being sick. Kielbasa. Assholes. Violence. Excessive snow. Homework and term papers. Money. Fake people.
_otp: I support Willabeth, Simon/Kaylee, and Wash/Zoe. :D
iam the Miaka Yuuki (Fushigi Yuugi) and Kaywinnit Lee "Kaylee" Frye (Firefly) of Scribbld! |