you can't take the sky from me [entries|friends|calendar]

but this morning, there's a calm I can't explain. the rock candy's melted, only diamonds now remain. by the time I recognize this moment, this moment will be gone. but I will bend the light, pretend that it somehow lingered on

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001. obligatory "what kind of journal this is" post, etc. :) [Mon 24 Feb / 11:11am]
Barely (as in "not really") Friends Only!

Yet another new journal. Basically, GreatestJournal went to crap and LostJournal has been dysfunctional for a while... I knew about Scribbld, but I didn't know they were offering accounts without that pesky little invite code.

So... hi! :D

Usually, I make my journals friends only, but if I could keep a Xanga long ago then I can keep a mostly public journal. I guess if I post something that I really don't want everyone and their mother to see, I'll lock it.

I don't really have many friending rules, except the following:
- You are tolerant of homosexuals, religion (or lack thereof), and other controversial topics. I'm bisexual myself, but I couldn't have an actual relationship with a girl; I can't even handle *myself* when I'm PMS-ing. Girls are pretty to look at. 'Sides, I've got a pretty awesome boyfriend. :)
- You don't TYPE LIEK DIS OMGZZ!!1!!!1ONE1!
- You don't cause drama.
- You comment once in a while so I know you're still alive. Honestly, it's not that big a deal if you don't (I don't really have much time to do so myself, though I read my friends page every day), but it's nice to know that people have thoughts about my thoughts.

Lately, I don't have much time to update: school and work kind of own my soul right now. If that bothers you for any reason, we may not be the best journal buddies right now.

Annnd that's about it. I'm pretty nice, so comment if you want to be friends! :D
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