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Ryan Spector ([info]crescentdart) wrote,
@ 2013-05-20 14:58:00

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Baby Meme's
Brad Hill
Rufus Drake
Casey Flynn
Ryan Spector
Nicolai Sablinova
Bram Harker
Ben Storm
Shane Ostrum
Eric Phillips

Sam Weaver
Lee Arthur
Mike Blood
Jerry Carr
Dean Monaghan
Cian Daly
Nick Szasz
Marcus Todd

Nate Summers

Also will take pairing for old characters I've played

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2013-05-22 01:42 pm UTC (link)
Because I'm lazy...



Jason Todd/Mia Dearden

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2013-05-22 10:26 pm UTC (link)
A. Richard Monaghan
B. Scorpio
C. Met in a bar where they hit it off. Sin found Dean nicely different and Dean thought Sin was a good person. They had a one night stand which lead to Richie. Dean did what he though was the responsible thing and stayed away from them but sent presents for Richie for all the holidays and a monthly check.
D. photo hoo2_160_zps84d97f9a.png
Stephen Hoo
1. Richie was born with black eyes like his dad and seems to be perceptive in ways beyond human. Though they can't figure out if it's a super power or anything.
2. He is a really good martial artist though he prefers discussing philosophy to fighting.
3. Has met his dad a handful of times and while he doesn't really know why his dad keeps his distance but does believe that it's for good reason.
4. While not much of a superhero he does like help people however he can.
5. Has a pokemon collection that almost rivals his mom's

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2013-05-24 07:34 pm UTC (link)
A. Jackie Drake
B. Sagittarius
C. Rufus and Ellie did a little fooling around, when Ellie found out she was pregnant.
D. photo 012_zps17da54a8.png
Lauren Conrad
1. Jackie likes to experiment with different religions and is currently exploring Hinduism
2. Jackie has the mutant ability to explosively teleport.
3. Jackie has worked hard to gain a good girl image for herself which she uses to get out of things when she causes trouble.
4. Is really smart and graduated early from Xavier's.
5. Can speak a bunch of different languages.

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2013-05-24 10:38 pm UTC (link)
A. Connor Weaver
B. Libra
C. Met beating up some thugs which lead to some post fight fun that resulted in Connor.
D.  photo kyledeanmassey004_zps10fa2782.png
Kyle Dean Massey
1. Connor is good with just about any weapon he can get his hands on.
2. Once got sent home from school for beating up most of the football team when he found them bullying someone. His parents where so proud.
3. Prefers melee weapons to ranged weapons though can be pretty handy with a bow when he needs it.
4. Not very good with the Hawk wings even though he really does like flying.
5. Is actually a big sweetheart underneath his tough exterior.

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2013-05-24 11:55 pm UTC (link)
A. Lucas Spector
B. Pieces
C. Friends with benefits that eventually lead to dating and Lucas. Marriage came a little later.
D.  photo 0693_zps23826555.jpg
Henry Cavill
1. Is mom and dad's little bad-ass and is great at hand to hand combat and can skillfully use virtually any weapon.
2. Hasn't figured out what he wants to do with his life yet but has been known to help out with Shield and the Avengers.
3. Has all of the female shield agents and avengers rated by their butts.
4. Beat up a bully in elementary school using a jump rope.
5. Is a really good free climber and likes to do it throughout the city for fun.

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2013-05-25 01:20 am UTC (link)
A. Oliver Todd
B. Aquarius
C. Started getting closer after Jason blew up her school. Eventally they started dating and got married. They decided they wanted to have a kid and did it safely so that Mai would not have to worry about spreading her HIV.
D.  photo 18_zps793e483d.png
Hugh Sheridan
1. Oliver got is name because Mia wanted to honor her mentor and Jason wanted to piss off Bruce.
2. He is good at using both guns, bow, and crossbows. He is also not bad in a hand to hand fight either.
3. Oliver joined ARGUS when he was old enough to try to make the world a better place within the system.
4. Oliver has a bit of a reputation for snarky remarks and not shutting up. He claims to have no idea where he might have gotten that from.
5. Is a big time movie buff.

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2013-05-25 01:52 am UTC (link)
A. Arthur
B. Taurus
C. Cerdian and Lian got really drunk one night and woke up in bed together having made Arthur.
D.  photo 19_zpsecf7f29e.png
Khan Chittenden
1. Arthur has a weaker version of his dad's Atlantean power set. He also has magic potential that he does not care to work at.
2. Arthur is skilled shooter using a crossbow on land and a speargun underwater.
3. The only cooking he can do is survival cooking but he's been told that his survival cooking is really good.
4. Has a think for animals and when he was little he was always taking in and trying to adopt strays.
5. Likes splitting his time between underwater world and the surface world.

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