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Ryan Spector ([info]crescentdart) wrote,
@ 2013-05-20 14:58:00

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Baby Meme's
Brad Hill
Rufus Drake
Casey Flynn
Ryan Spector
Nicolai Sablinova
Bram Harker
Ben Storm
Shane Ostrum
Eric Phillips

Sam Weaver
Lee Arthur
Mike Blood
Jerry Carr
Dean Monaghan
Cian Daly
Nick Szasz
Marcus Todd

Nate Summers

Also will take pairing for old characters I've played

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A few I've thought up
2013-05-22 01:00 am UTC (link)
Eliza Romanova/ Nicolia Sablinova

Eiltin/ Aridis

Sam Weaver/ Corinna Prince

Mina Larson/Mike Blood

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2013-05-22 01:29 am UTC (link)
A. Jamie Weaver
B. Sagittarius
C. A round of sparring turned into something more and Jamie was born nine months later.
D. photo Image27_zps67702c64.png
Drew Roy
1. Jamie has some superhuman strength, speed and durability from his mom and some anger issues and a love of fighting from his dad.
2. Jamie is really good with his hands and likes to build things in his spare time.
3. When he was really little he said Connor was his favorite Green Arrow in front of Ollie. Ever since Ollie has spoiled him rotten trying to get him to take that back.
4. Wishes that he could someday visit paradise island even though he knows he not allowed too.
5. Changes what weapon he wants to fight crime with every week.

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2013-05-22 11:22 am UTC (link)
A. Failbhe
B. Hazel
C. Went on a hunting trip together and had some fun. They had Failbhe nine months later
D.  photo 52f261bb-9e1f-48d3-9f85-03478aed4a76_zpsae971f65.jpg
Derek Theler
1. Not a bit fan of civilization and like to be out in the wilderness whenever possible.
2. His favorite weapon is the sling and he can hit a bullseye from several hundred yards with it.
3. Has the potential to lead a wild hunt
4. Does not like to wear much for clothes like his dad
5. Loves hunting and is a very skilled tracker.

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2013-05-22 10:54 pm UTC (link)
A. Rachael Blood
B. Libra
C. Sex magic ritual to save the world and nine months later Rachael. While Mike and Mina never married they stayed close for Rachael.
D.  photo 091_zpsa7fe7b96.png
Sofia Black-D'Elia,
1. Rachael has a really powerful healing factor that makes her tougher than most magic users and can tap into rather dark magic.
2. Is annoyed that her dad looks almost as young as her and may have hit on her college friends.
3. Rachael wants to be an artist and is really good at drawing and painting and can do some really cool stuff with it and her magic.
4. Rachael loves chocolate and it is not wise to stand between her and her chocolate.
5. Has been known to help out with magic problems for superheroes.

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2013-05-24 09:56 pm UTC (link)
A. Aleksander Sablinova
B. Leo
C. Hit it off at a diplomatic party. After dating for a while they got married and had Aleksander
D.  photo th4_zpsb1313cb5.jpg
Toby Hemingway
1. Can make someone fall asleep by making eye contact with someone.
2. Does not like having to be dressed up all the time and would rather just wear a t-shirt and sweatpants.
3. Prefers guns to hand to hand combat though he is very good with both of them.
4. Likes leading missions with the Wild Pack. Even if he had to deal with parental/boss oversight till be was twenty one.
5. Took him a while to get used to the Sablinova silver hair when it changed in elementary school.

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