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Ryan Spector ([info]crescentdart) wrote,
@ 2013-05-20 14:58:00

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Baby Meme's
Brad Hill
Rufus Drake
Casey Flynn
Ryan Spector
Nicolai Sablinova
Bram Harker
Ben Storm
Shane Ostrum
Eric Phillips

Sam Weaver
Lee Arthur
Mike Blood
Jerry Carr
Dean Monaghan
Cian Daly
Nick Szasz
Marcus Todd

Nate Summers

Also will take pairing for old characters I've played

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2013-05-22 12:55 am UTC (link)
A. Julia Ostrum
B. Taurus
C. After dating for a while and getting married they had Julia.
D.  photo 182_zps6e746384.png
Samara Weaving
1. Julia can control plants and make the grow or ungrow. She can also heal plants with a touch.
2. When she and Uncle Corey start gardening things usually get out of control really fastly but the garden usually ends up looking beautiful.
3. Loves it when Uncle Rufus takes her on trips and spoils her rotten.
4. Has basically taken over the care of the grounds around Xavier's and wisely no one has told her she was not allowed to do that.
5. Her favorite flower is the daffodil because she can't help but smile when she sees them.

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