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Ryan Spector ([info]crescentdart) wrote,
@ 2013-05-20 14:58:00

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Baby Meme's
Brad Hill
Rufus Drake
Casey Flynn
Ryan Spector
Nicolai Sablinova
Bram Harker
Ben Storm
Shane Ostrum
Eric Phillips

Sam Weaver
Lee Arthur
Mike Blood
Jerry Carr
Dean Monaghan
Cian Daly
Nick Szasz
Marcus Todd

Nate Summers

Also will take pairing for old characters I've played

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2013-05-25 01:20 am UTC (link)
A. Oliver Todd
B. Aquarius
C. Started getting closer after Jason blew up her school. Eventally they started dating and got married. They decided they wanted to have a kid and did it safely so that Mai would not have to worry about spreading her HIV.
D.  photo 18_zps793e483d.png
Hugh Sheridan
1. Oliver got is name because Mia wanted to honor her mentor and Jason wanted to piss off Bruce.
2. He is good at using both guns, bow, and crossbows. He is also not bad in a hand to hand fight either.
3. Oliver joined ARGUS when he was old enough to try to make the world a better place within the system.
4. Oliver has a bit of a reputation for snarky remarks and not shutting up. He claims to have no idea where he might have gotten that from.
5. Is a big time movie buff.

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