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Ryan Spector ([info]crescentdart) wrote,
@ 2013-05-20 14:58:00

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Baby Meme's
Brad Hill
Rufus Drake
Casey Flynn
Ryan Spector
Nicolai Sablinova
Bram Harker
Ben Storm
Shane Ostrum
Eric Phillips

Sam Weaver
Lee Arthur
Mike Blood
Jerry Carr
Dean Monaghan
Cian Daly
Nick Szasz
Marcus Todd

Nate Summers

Also will take pairing for old characters I've played

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2013-05-24 10:38 pm UTC (link)
A. Connor Weaver
B. Libra
C. Met beating up some thugs which lead to some post fight fun that resulted in Connor.
D.  photo kyledeanmassey004_zps10fa2782.png
Kyle Dean Massey
1. Connor is good with just about any weapon he can get his hands on.
2. Once got sent home from school for beating up most of the football team when he found them bullying someone. His parents where so proud.
3. Prefers melee weapons to ranged weapons though can be pretty handy with a bow when he needs it.
4. Not very good with the Hawk wings even though he really does like flying.
5. Is actually a big sweetheart underneath his tough exterior.

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