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Ryan Spector ([info]crescentdart) wrote,
@ 2013-05-20 14:58:00

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Baby Meme's
Brad Hill
Rufus Drake
Casey Flynn
Ryan Spector
Nicolai Sablinova
Bram Harker
Ben Storm
Shane Ostrum
Eric Phillips

Sam Weaver
Lee Arthur
Mike Blood
Jerry Carr
Dean Monaghan
Cian Daly
Nick Szasz
Marcus Todd

Nate Summers

Also will take pairing for old characters I've played

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2013-05-24 07:34 pm UTC (link)
A. Jackie Drake
B. Sagittarius
C. Rufus and Ellie did a little fooling around, when Ellie found out she was pregnant.
D. photo 012_zps17da54a8.png
Lauren Conrad
1. Jackie likes to experiment with different religions and is currently exploring Hinduism
2. Jackie has the mutant ability to explosively teleport.
3. Jackie has worked hard to gain a good girl image for herself which she uses to get out of things when she causes trouble.
4. Is really smart and graduated early from Xavier's.
5. Can speak a bunch of different languages.

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