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Mike Blood ([info]demonborn) wrote in [info]crescentdart,
A. Rachael Blood
B. Libra
C. Sex magic ritual to save the world and nine months later Rachael. While Mike and Mina never married they stayed close for Rachael.
D.  photo 091_zpsa7fe7b96.png
Sofia Black-D'Elia,
1. Rachael has a really powerful healing factor that makes her tougher than most magic users and can tap into rather dark magic.
2. Is annoyed that her dad looks almost as young as her and may have hit on her college friends.
3. Rachael wants to be an artist and is really good at drawing and painting and can do some really cool stuff with it and her magic.
4. Rachael loves chocolate and it is not wise to stand between her and her chocolate.
5. Has been known to help out with magic problems for superheroes.

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