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Cerdian ([info]allwet) wrote in [info]crescentdart,
A. Tommy
B. Aquarius
C. Being a good friend after Ty's death. One thing led to another and Tommy was born.
D.  photo sev-roerig2-vampire-diaries-101410-lgn-1.jpg
Zach Roerig
1. Tommy was born with blond hair and violet eyes which needless to say caused quite a stir in Atlantis.
2. Tommy has powerful and innate ability with water magic and can already challenge most masters of it in the atlantian circle of magic.
3. Thinks that if they got mad enough his mom and grandmas could totally take Darkseid in a fight.
4. Enchanted a dog so that it could breath underwater and brought it home to Atlantis. He calls him Aquadog.
5. Likes fighting crime and uses that as an excuse to get out of royal duties.

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