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Casey Flynn ([info]bornlucky) wrote in [info]crescentdart,
A. Björg Flynn
B. Pisces
C. It involved a lot of alcohol, a drunken challenge, and quite a bit of luck
D.  photo 54_zps796645a1.png
Hailey Clauson
1. Björg grew up idolizing both of her older bothers
2. Seems to have the powers of a psychopomp and is capable of summoning and commanding ghosts.
3. Would rather talk than fight but if she has too calls about the great fallen heroes of her parent's peoples to defend her.
4. Odin has yet to figure out what her role in Ragnarok might be for good or for ill or if she will even make it too it. Which has earned her much mistrust.
5. Loves going on spa days and is constantly talking family into going on them with her. Including one memorable trip when she took Solver and Sean with her.

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