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Casey Flynn ([info]bornlucky) wrote in [info]crescentdart,
A. Robert Flynn
B. Leo
C. Met at Casey's mom's hair saloon and had some fun. Nine months later Robbie was born.
D.  photo ben13_zps5dd8cd4e.png
Ben McGregor
1. Robbie is not much of a tech head and often got into trouble when he was little for pushing the big red button.
2. Robbie has a minor luck effect that protects him and keeps him from getting into too much trouble. Though he does push his luck quite a bit.
3. Robbie can not cook at all but he can brew and kind of wants to do that as a living.
4. Idolizes his older brother and always followed him around when he was little.
5. Robbie is really good at accents and can pick up new ones fast.

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